Saturday, November 7, 2009



well today i didn't get a free slurpee, :(
instead i went to the new and stripped wallpaper off the walls for 5 hours. it was fun at first because in the first room it was really easy to pull off the walls but then it wasn't easy in the next room so with got this machine that shoots steam at the wall and then it was easy.
But i got really tired and mum said i could go out and get some food. so yeh i went and got an icecream and a muffin and ate it, it was nice. anyways then i did more wallpaper stripping and my arms got rly rly tired. after a while though, mum's friend came over and they had a glass of wine each and we ate twisties. and now im writing this post
But now i get to relax and im gonna go hire a movie or two or three and watch them and tomorrow im going to the newtown festival and then to the movies so it will be fun
I havent really started studying. oh well. i'll do some maths and science tomorrow and the rest, meh.
so yeh


Betamaxrules said...

oh I was wondering where you were
Cos you weren't on facebook or msn or nuthin.

But yeah, sounds good Im watchin movies tonite too. Mebby I'll see y'all at Newtown festival tomoz.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

awww.... i rly wanted to go to the newtown festival and see people and stuff but instead ill be spending my time at home not even watching a rnted movie or anything...