Sunday, November 8, 2009


anyway i didnt end up going to the movies or the newtown festival but ended up sitting at home studying and i was looking through the laundry basket for a t-shirt and there was a cricket in there. and i was like WTF? and for a moment i thought it was fake and then it moved and yeh.

It looks like this:
I was kinda scared but then i sorta put the washing back on top of it and walked away.

anyway maths is annoying.
how do you solve:

5a - 5b - ac - bc

yeh just wondering

Also who made me author of the month and why?


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Wow, that camera you used is actually quite good. Like that cricket picture looks like it belongs in a science textbook.

and by factorising:
5a - 5b - ac - bc
= 5(a-b) c(a-b)
= (5+c)(a-b)

and i made you author of the month cause i feel that you should be apreciated for your work as a blog author. thank you emily for all your contributions.

Hoggle said...

lol thx ru for the help with maths and the author of the month

Betamaxrules said...

Wait I just noticed that you said you put the washing on top of it.

Hoggle said...

i didnt actually take the photo. i got it off the internet.

kwon said...

Ya should of came wiv us to newtown it was a blast