Sunday, November 8, 2009

unplanned meeting with the telegraph pole

updates on blog guiseeee

so now we have the author of the month and for the month of november, it is the one and only fabulous emily hogg. so congrats to her. you can see her fabulous face on the side of our blog on where all the extra stuff is and also, we have a shout box for instant blog chattting happy fun friendshipness so you guys should use that and it is located at the side with all the other pile of crap.

have fun guisesssss xoxsogeking <3


AcionMan! said...

...Hui? What's with the new name? Lol

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

the blog was improving. so i improved myself... by using a moar original name rather than "sogeking" which i stoleth from one piece. now. i am just fishcake. hom nom nom nom

"things that dont change are boring. they're just stupid. one could die of boredom here" -genjo sanzo.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

ur online now! go type stuff in our new shout box. yayyy

AcionMan! said...

Gonzo? From like the Muppets??

Msgoldenweek said...

Gonzo? no. Genjo Sanzo. From Gensoumaden Saiyuki. you know that monk.

Betamaxrules said...

I for one welcome our new blog feature overlords!

Na, fo real, I think it's cool XD

Hoggle said...

yeh i agree with sultan of the lulz. its pretty epic

Șмž said...

author of the month? cool :D

and then the shoutbox had the wrong timezone, so i was all confus-ed.