Tuesday, November 17, 2009


far out, i type so in the first box an i see:
so guys
so i watched the first episode of the fairy tail anime
someone is excited about having a camera...
so the reason that the mr saturns dissapeared

the list went on for a while.


everybody, what song is stuck in your head...
best answer gets a prize*
*I lied

the song that is stuck in my head is
all these things i hate (revolve around me)
guess you cant guess who its by... smaz is so cool

the chorus is awesome, also just generally
its kinda boring in the intro maybe

once more ill say goodbye to you
things happen but we dont really know why~ know why~
if its supposed to be like this, why do most of us ignore the chance to miss~
oh yeah
wear your heart on your sleeve,
makes things hard to believe
im not feeling this situation
torn apart at the seams
as my dreams turn to tears
the best thing to do when you're feeling like
all these things i hate... revolve around me

soz, ill stop now


Betamaxrules said...

My dad's iphone default ringtone 'xylophone'.

dun dun dun! dun du! du dudu dun!

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

bullet for my valentine??

Șмž said...

aww, :O

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

hotel room service!

Kwon said...

i got tik toc by kesha but i like huis song

Lambert said...

- golddigger - kanye west
- ice ice baby - we all know who it's by
- Don't Stop Me Now - Queen

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

lolwut. lambie bambi, u cant have 3 different songs walking in your head at the same time.