Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mermaids smoke Seaweed

so like im at home suppose to be studying but instead reading manga and i just finished the entirety or the lovely complex shoujo series and im bored but not really and i have like no contact with people and no one is on the blog and i pressume that everyone is partying at the newtown festival or just chillin wit their crew eventhough we has school certifical tomorrow but no one cares about that...


Betamaxrules said..., I'm at home in front of my computer.

Hoggle said...

no, im at home, tired and wasnt allowed to go to the festival or to the movies because my mum said i have to study :(

Hoggle said...

and maths study is boring me to death right now. like i like maths but studying is very boring

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

agreed. ive been doing maths and studying the trends and patterns of the questions that they ask in the geo and his sc.

Betamaxrules said...

trends and patterns eh? Have anything to share?

ActionFace...crap... shit. said...
