Sunday, November 8, 2009

update on that guy

that guy? oh yeah, that smaz guy. hey, wasnt he the one not on the table list for the formal? yeah, thats right. oh well, its not like he has feelings or anything, so it doesn't matter if we forget him. yeah, hasnt he been sick or something? thats right, blastocystus hominus, the stomachular bug from vietnam? yeah, thats the one. well, that guy is one crazy fast guy at videogames, i heard he almost beat that game he got 3 days ago. yeah, thats right. but hes been very sick, so hes been home alot i guess. oh, thats right, hes missing his school certificate eh? well, i guess that means hes gonna get averages? well they wont be that great cause hes done horribly in maths this year, and thats his main subject he cares about, yeah? being a game designer and everything. oh, but thats just a hobby, eh... and its not like hes ever finished making a game or anything. still, he possesses alot of the skills required, like finishing video games quickly, and not having girlfriends. or maybe boyfriends, if he goes that way. no, thats not right, remember, cause he liked that girl? yeah, makes sense. but yeah, he has all the qualities of a game designer. he also never excersises, thats right... yeah, and he has no tolerance of alcohol either. remember that one time, and got really tipsy from one beer? that was entertaining. i suppose.

not that i'd know.

(wow, so much for self-esteem.)


Hoggle said...

nawwh, smaz we dont think of you that way. I for one am sure you are going to be an epic games designer. you'll be fine. sc means jack shit. campbell said that anyway and he teaches hsc maths.

Betamaxrules said...

Hey, yeah smaz, it don't matter. And we didn't forget about you, remember ru said mebbe you would be on Maxim's table

Betamaxrules said...

Oh, and you should be feeling cheerier soon. One of the side effects of Blastocytosis is depression.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Woah so like that time you felt really sick in vietnam when ms blacker was like, 'just drink water and lie down' was probs because of that bug and it was from nam. woah like so many people got sick and stuff. and the prom table thing, only you would know what table you were at cause dyland and ob planned it and it says it on yo ticket but i dont have yo ticket and neither do you but i bet your on table 3. and that time when you got tipsy.... that was hilarious like when rowan and i didnt get that badger reference thing and you started singing that was sooooo funny. like its good to be entertainning but then you didnt want to leave the hotel room cause you thought that the teachers would realise. but the point is, i bet your self esteem is dieing everyday cause your not in school to remind you that you are cooler then some people and that you have friends. and friends are cool. cause some people dont have friends. but i guess some people have friends but are still pretty depressed cause their friends dont understand them or they want better real friends or something. i dont know. k, ill stop.

BMSilverFish said...

I'm aiming to get into the gaming industry too. School Certificate is just a gigantic waste of time anyway