Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday nights

You know, I've always felt socially self-concious, coz for most of my teenager life my friday nights have been spent in front of the computer, or at a friends place with a few other friends, just like watching movies or w/e, instead of going out to awesome parties with millions of poeple, meeting awesome people from other schools and getting chased by cops and stuff..

but then I had a 400-mentos enduced epiphany, went crazy, foamed at the mouth and passed out on the couch. When I woke up, I realised, that, perhaps I dont NEED to be out throwing up in some random's toilet to have fun... I have the oportunity to go out almost ever week, yet I choose not to take it. Why not?

Cause I like the way I am :D

I like watching Forrest Gump on Windows Media Player, I like killing the same zombies for the 12,000th time with my friends, I like doing my failed attempt at hack work into the early hours of the morning :D
I was not DESIGNED to go out every waking moment for the weekend, I am just too .. laidback for that kinda stuff!

Now if you'll excuse me I have to watch Apocalypse Now free off the internet.


Betamaxrules said...

Indeed, Action Man!

JD said...

Legend, good movie too... Apocalypse Now that is.