Thursday, November 12, 2009


so like after school, there was this trolley and marlena got into it cause we thought it would be funny to summon ms murphy but she didnt turn up. and then rhiannon couldnt control the trolley very well and it nearly crashed into a car so i was holding on to it but then it got to be too much of a hassle so marlena got out and by that time i had already walked up ahead. so i look behind to where rhiannon and marlena was and they left the trolley just like rolling on the side walk and it was going to crash into this car and knock the side mirror off so i ran down and pulled the trolley and it was like millimetres away from like knocking the side mirror of and i was like, wtf, why did marlena and rhiannon just leave the trolley there and if i hadnt gone and ran down it would have like hit the car and they would have to pay for repairs. and rhiannon just ran of and there was these people there being all like, ' if that trolley hit the car their parents would have to pay and stuff and be responsible' and shit like that and marlena was like yeah.. and ran off ahead so i was like sorry and marlena was like thinking go fuck yourself to that man eventhough he was just being concern for that car and her and stuff and i felt really bad but then marlena and rhiannon thought that that was quite funny and nothing bad happened but i was like not really cause if i hadnt gone and ran down and pulled the trolley, the car would have been hit and like, it wasnt my responsibility to go save that car but i did and that guy was like talking to me and it just felt like, you know, why the hell did they just leave the unstable trolley there that had a reaallly big chance of hitting that car and i had to go down and do that and i dunno, felt like it was unfair cause they like ran up and i dunno. i guess i feel like...

why are they so stupid?

also smaz, you wanna borrow my top hat for prom?


BMSilverFish said...

they do sound very stupid..

BMSilverFish said...

i don't even know who you are

Betamaxrules said...

seriously wtf man.

How about you stop using this as a tool for you to complain about people and call them stupid and very un-subtly insult people, as if they're idiots and can't figure it out.
When those people never complain about any of this and always pretend it's fine and they don't notice even though they're not idiots and notice very much maybe it kind of hurts you know? And then they say some small thing about not using the blog to insult its members and get jumped on by everyone else.
And always try to be nice and never say any bad stuff about any of the other people here but always get insulted and shit anyway. And always sticks up for everyone when they get bagged out and they aren't there (i.e. emily hogg, smaz)

Like do you think I'm stupid? Obviously you do, but I'm seriously not that thick ok? I fucking get it. You don't have to be any less subtle. I got it a long fucking time ago. And I pretend not to notice and never say anything because I love you guys and you're great friends and I don't want to cause rifts and fights, but it almost seems like you want shit like this.

And smaz, I never said anything against lesbians or vegetarians get your facts straight.

Betamaxrules said...

what no not you brian.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Dude, if you knew then why do you keep acting the way you do. why do you keep pretending as if your opinions are moar important then other people's opinions. dude, if you knew how i felt about you and stuff and why i (and other people) feel those things about you then why do you still do the same things. why do you act the same way and maybe if moar then one people are feeling it and agreeing on it, maybe its not them. maybe its you and maybe you have to do something about it. you cant just pretend it didnt happen or anything. you cant just leave the hint and go on and we can all pretend like we do. i mean we all love each other to the a degree but that love can die if you keep being the way that you do. if you got it a long time then maybe there wouldnt be the need for fighting. maybe there wouldnt be a need for all this posting and shit. remember in year eight when you had like no friends cause hui and smaz couldnt stand you. you have to learn from that and not pretend it didnt happen cause last time when they brought it up, you pretended that it didnt but it did and it did for a reason.

Betamaxrules said...

Well it's not exactly helpful when all you do is go I don't like Marlena, Marlena sucks, I don't like her etc.

I don't actually know what your problem is. You never bother to point it out; you just say that you don't like whatever it is that you don't like. I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS.

And what's that supposed to mean: "pretending [my] opinions are more important than others" what does that have to do with anything I said.

Actually, so far I haven't been expressing any of my opinions on here, other than when I said how I felt just then: and when it comes to my personal feelings, my opinions ARE more important than others - I think I would know better than anyone.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

we dont just go, i dont like marlena, marlena sucks. it was like in nam when you came into brigitta's and my room and you just sat on brigitta's bed and changed the channel cause you didnt like what was going on and you decided to go watch something that emily and brigitta didnt want to watch and it was just like, you can go to your room and watch and emily hogg was like, marlena, i was watching that and you were like, but thats a shit show. watch this instead, its so good but like it wasnt even your room and we were watching something else but you decided to change the channel and not really care about what brigitta and emily wanted to watch.

Betamaxrules said...

... So you want me to not change channels. That's not very helpful.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

oh, and also how you like become a stinge about food quote:
marlena: wtf guys, i bought these oreos myself so no one can get them cause their my oreos and i paid for them myself so im not giving any away.

and then last time when rhiannon was eating a hash brow that SHE BOUGHT HERSELF, you decided to go take it eventhough she didnt want you too but no, it was only a hashbrow and you can take what ever you want even though she paid for it

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

no stupid. im saying that you just because you want to do something doesnt mean that everyone else wants to do it and other people might express that they dont want that but you still insist that they want to do what you want to do.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

and last time in nam' , you would say something and then i disagreed so you went crazy on your argument so i decided to go crazy on my argument and then you were like 'dude, why are you getting on my back?'

and i was being specific like last time when i said that when people go against your opinions you shout at them and thats just my personal experiences.

Betamaxrules said...

Ok. Fine. Thank you.
Would've made it easier if you had just said that a long time ago.

But wtf man about the oreos that was one time and I had almost nothing to eat that day and was running out of money ok?
Although, ok, fair enough about the hash brown. It was funny when she pushed me into the counter tho.

And I'm not stupid. Seriously, I'll admit to not being a particularly great person and to being egotistical and mean but I am not stupid.

Betamaxrules said...

oh wait, what incident were you talking about? I posted that last comment before I saw that.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

i cant remember what we were talking about something about you saying that we pay too much for food and you didnt bring enough money and me saying something like thats why i dont buy drinks and i just drink the water they give and you being like water is gross so i dont buy it and that putting in some money for max's and freya's party was a joke and you shouldnt have to pay that much but i thought that since it was their birthday we should do something for that but you just went on about how it was your money and you didnt want to spend it on the set dinner and stuff and i was like but it was for max and freya and you were like you rather not go and stuff. and like sometimes you say things that are really annoying like when we went to the monastry and you were like, i rather stay in the bus then go meditate and im like, then why did you come all the way to nam

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

and sometimes you get really annoying with the constant whining and complaining like in nam' how there was no cartoon network in the hotel and it was a joke and why are there so many fucking vietnamese channels like they would know that western people come to their hotel so they should put more english channels and not have so many fucking vietnamese channels. i mean like, stuff like that kinda annoys me.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

and like sometimes you have this thing like when you feel the need to shout and swear loudly everything something happens to you like when you thought that the pictures in your camera were all deleted and you just started swearing like crazy and everyone was like looking at you but it turns out that the sd card wasnt properly put in. also, sometimes, you keep swearing like every second word is like 'fuck' or 'fucking' and that also annoys me. actually, alot of things annoy me. maybe its not you but its me. maybe its because everything annoys me. like when people draw on my paper even though they have their own paper. that annoys me. opps. sorry bout that. i guess everything just annoys me so maybe its my problem that i have to get over. ill stop rambling

Betamaxrules said...

How is me talking about how I don't like drinking water attacking anyone else for doing it or whatever. And oh no, I'm tired so I want to sleep in a bus. Turns out meditation was good anyway cos we got to lie down.

And my objection to paying for the dinner etc. was actually a criticism on the teachers talking about not spending money on food and how we had to cut back, and then making us pay a lot for food that we weren't choosing to spend on and stuff.

I actually agree with what you're saying about me, and I can see where your complaints are coming from, but your examples aren't great.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

and like most of the annoyance and stuff are from nam cause we spent time with each other like almost 24/7 for 2 weeks.

Betamaxrules said...

I knew that would happen with Vietnam ... the only reason people don't kill me is cos I spend my evenings alone getting over being overly outgoing all day and bitching to myself instead of other people.

My nightly period of isolation doesn't happen in a setting like that...

BMSilverFish said...


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

well yea, but like its just like that general area and stuff its not really that specific time but its just that put together.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

and like that time when we had like a fight with emily in the hotel and then we felt really bad so we went up to go apologise to her but instead we saw you and you were like. 'why dont you guys just fuck off' and we were like, k then, we just wanted to apologise and stuff but fucking off seems fine if you want. and i just thought like you werent really part of it so you shouldnt have said that

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

and also, people usually say that its better if you tell someone how you feel about them and i wanted to but then i remember last time when you said that you rather someone not tell you how they really felt about you and pretend to be friends. and how we should drop hints and stuff so thats what i did.

Betamaxrules said...

shit, yeah ...
sorry about that. Didn't know you were gonna apologise and emily was pretty upset ... came out harsher than I intended. So yeah, sorry again about that.

But hey, maybe you shouldn't pretend to criticise yourself but really instead you're just drawing attention to yourself which you do a lot like in that last post where you were all like 'yeah maybe its just me' that you obviously didn't mean.
Or when you're like 'sorry I'll stop when there's no need to say that at all.

Although to be fair, that's not really a negative thing about you just something that randomly annoys me so I wouldn't take it too harshly.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

yeah fair enough. but like i dont hate you or anything i just think that its bad to keep shit like this bottled inside and not tell you.

and i wasnt pretending to criticise myself i felt that way just now maybe i dont feel that way now as i did just now but i wanst pretending to criticise myself. i mean other people say things about you too but they just rather not say it to you.

Betamaxrules said...

But look, for real, I'm genuinely sorry that I've caused you to be annoyed and upset or whatever...
And I can see why you feel that way.

It's just not been very clear to me exactly what you had a problem with was. And look, I will make an effort to be less controlling and stuff. But don't expect me to stop swearing loudly or complaining.
I will tone down the complaining, though.

I just really don't want you guys to launch stealth insult attacks at me, especially on the blog, cos it's pretty upsetting.


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

yea i tots understand and like thanks for beiing understanding and stuff and like for things to get clear.

AcionMan! said...

Imma take a moderate approach here, and say this Marlena. What I think Ru is trying to say is that a lot of us find just lots of small things - not usually significant things - annoying, and there's just so many of them that it's kinda hard to see past them...

Betamaxrules said...

just for clarification tho: what was with that thing smaz posted suggesting I had like something against vegetarians and lesbians?

what was that all about

AcionMan! said...

I dunno...

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

oh, it was just cause in nam' you made a fuss about that monastry we were going to and how it was vegetarian and you didnt want to pay to eat vegetarian food.

Betamaxrules said...

ok wtf it's perfectly reasonable to not want to have vegetarian food.
What was the lesbian thing tho

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

i guess sam just thought you had something agaisnt lesbians or something

Betamaxrules said...

oh ... ok
fair enough I guess. Just seems weird.

Șмž said...

you have attacked lesbians many times. i guess you just forgot, but thats k.

plus, that whole sterotypes thing wasnt entirely about you in general, things like vegetarians and aboriginals i cannot count the times i have seen them attacked for what they are.

and yes, I would love to borrow your top hat ru.

Șмž said...

by "things like vegetarians" i meant people.

because that would by ironically hypocritical.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

wait wait wait... im confused. vegetarians are people? not things? WOAH!.

nah jokes.
groouuup huggg

Șмž said...

Not everyone has an ego the size of yours marlena. When people say, "maybe its just me," or when people say, "sorry, I'll stop now", maybe they mean that? its not a way to draw attention to you.

not everything on this blog is about you.

BMSilverFish said...

it must be about me then :P

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

yay for brian~!!!

bahahaha lets all have tea and celebrate by watching icarly and america's best dance crew. and watching 3 different episodes of ABDC on the weekend will be way better than the formal. yes. i have a life. bwahahahhahhahahaah

Betamaxrules said...

I didn't say ru didn't mean it when she said "sorry i'll stop" or whatever.
I said it just randomly annoyed me and that was probably just me having weird issues cos that what it sounded like to me.
And wait... "not everything on this blog is about you" as I recall, I have so far almost never, ever used the blog to post about other people in a negative light and I generally seem to have everyone here on the other side to me, when at school and IRL we're all on the same side.

So no, Sam, I definately had no delusions about it being all about me.

And you know what, maybe you would be fucking upset and offended if the people you cared about heaps kept insulting you and shit blatantly and called you stupid and stuff.
And you think I actually honestly am that egotistical?
Dude, seriously. That's a joke. Like, a haha joke.

I know I'm not that great, I just act it. I thought it was pretty obvious that I realise how shit I am. Like, you seriously think that I honestly believe that I'm that awesome and everyone loves me and that I'm attractive and smart and amazing and shit?
Come on.

Șмž said...

many of the posts other people have made on the blog, you have turned the spotlight onto myself. for instance, when I said I was sick with what was possibly glandular fever, you said "Oh Im sorry, I did this that is relevant".

and yes, you seem pretty convinced about your ego. I mean, even if you say all those things sarcastically, by sheer volume you start to believe yourself. For instance, when lambert was all like, "Im awesome", 20 * 10^6 (or 20 million) times, as a joke, he started to believe it and thus repeat it alot.

although, he is actually a really cool guy to be around...

also, if you're gonna go on about how asian you are and how asian im not, dont complain about not having western tv stations in vietnam, dont complain about all the food in vietnam, dont search about for western restaraunts in vietnam.
also, in that fight between goku and superman, you went on about the different ages of comic books, the dark, golden etc. and how different supermans could beat him or not.
that negates all not-whiteness you have.

...and goku could totally go apeshit on superman in super saiyan 4. (see what i did there? eh?)

Lambert said...

So true about Goku and Superman, Sam. I unfortunately have to agree (at least to a certain degree) with everyone else, but since I didn't spend 2 weeks with you i only find you occasionally annoying.

P.S. I am AwEsOmE!!!!!1!!11!!!... Sam.