we say goodbye to ella, who left.
goodbye ella.
2nd person on this blog eh? strokes a goats goatee.
hey hey hey i had a really good idea
we should set maxim up with shakira
for obvious reasons
maxim: johnny nooo! stop eating all my clothes~
shakira: maaa (has half eaten sock hanging out of mouth)
maxim: oh, so its like that, eh? *strokes goatee*
shakira: maa... (sock dissapears into mouth, takes another sock of the clothes line thing)
maxim: hm...
the two proceed to have sex, goatee-style.
as you do.
yeah. I wanna play earthbound again D:
but its too much effort...
good times.
bye bye 'go places'
also: public service announcement:
'lol 17 h45 p09n09r4ff3r5 1n 17 17 ' 5 teh funn3h!!!!!111! 1 4r3 teh p057 0n teh bl09!!!11!oneandeleventyten!!1!potatoe1! 100k 9u153!!!!111!!1!1'
'dun 54y d15 15 d1ffr3n7 frum teh b3l0w t3xt tho k... pen15!!!!!!!!!!11!!!1!!1!!!111!!!1!1!1!!!1!!1!!!!!!11!!!1!!!1 ' (srsly.)
English: I am in the process of laughing out loud. The other day, I mayhappened to hear some young common folk tallying about some pornographic image, whilst transportificating my being throughout the transport infrasystem of the public. I Thought, wow, this is incredibly mildly amusing, so I am going to go to my inhabited dwelling and go on the interconnected network of computerisation machines. I am currently in the process of telling you all about it. The number that consists of the sum of ninety-eight and three, and ten. The plural form of potato. See here, chaps, at the observation I am pointing my pointment mechanism towards?
But I implore you, do not tell anybody about the preceding, that I have sayed from my very mouth which sits rather oddly on my face if I do say so myself and do with my whole heart believe should at least be spelt differently, to the one formerly known as a friend we or I may or may not have lost in recent times to a tragic illness or disease, and now rests dead. For that would be a waste of talking. The organ used by males in any given bisexual species to engage in intercourse of the manner that contains the cells used to combine with the gametes of the other gender with the willful intention of continuing the said species and furthering the pool of genes.
Go figure ;D
srsly? shakira is a goat.
listen. she IS a goat.
true fax dat is. :)-
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