Anyway, heres an awesome game... *ahem* mod that I found for the source engine that got released about a week ago.
It's called neotokyo and it's roughly based on the anime "Ghost in the Shell" it's entirely mulltiplayer and only has one game mode; "Capture the Ghost".
Now if none of you have seen Ghost in the Shell a "Ghost" is when something resembling a soul is created within a sentient AI.
So anyway, down to the gameplay there are three playable classes each with disitnct advantages.
Recon: Lightning fast and able to jump huge distances the recon has thermal optic camoflauge abilities and at a later level detpacks, can cause huge amounts of devastation if not properly looked after however they die as soon as someone so much as sneezes on them.
Assault: Not fast but not slow this class is more FPS oriented with frag grenades and a biger arsenal of weapons they SHOULD make up the braun of any team.
Support: Tanks on legs; heat vision with smoke grenades and big weapons if your a recon and you land in front of one of these guys... you're not gonna be around for long...
There's still quite a few problems with the game seeing as it's brand spanking new as we found out thanks to JESUS ON ROLLERBLADES messing with the console and still a few input problems but overall an overperformer in the free mods section of video games.
4/5- Joelnes
wouldn't mind trying it out
Wouldn't mind?!
And give me your steam ID, mines Joelnes
i don't use steam :P
... you... don't use steam? *shuns*
Also that means you don't get neotokyo!
i have an account but i just don't bother using it
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