Friday, July 3, 2009

so how is everybody?

yea... how is everyone's life? good? no? not good? thats not good...

whats on your mind?... i hardly saw anybody today... the school felt so empty....

our year has the most amount of people leaving this term... so sad

oh well life goes on.

so yea.. stuffs.


Smaz at cousins house said...

guiuthahaha. ha. yeah, school was really empty today. :(

oh well, its just swine flu

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

cousin? as in simon?
lol if it is simon, hui says hi. if its not, hui doesnt say hi, in fact, hui says why arnt u simon?

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

lol.yeah, everyones bluging and sick so i like didnt say bye to anyone and ran off to brigitta's house..