Wednesday, July 15, 2009


More like ResuGAY!
Halp me guys! I finally decided that today is the day, and I am now writing my resume!
But I can't fink of anything to write! D: does someone have like a sample they can send me or like tips or sumfing?



Lord of the Palmtrees said...

the ones that they tod us to write was really simple. like first you write your
name and age and what school you go to.
then you write your goal (something like i aspire to get an apprentiship in something something).
write your career history like any part time jobs or any work experience
write in your interests and hobbies
and put in achievements like certificates, trophies and awards and put in skills like leadership, language and stuffs like that

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

and write in references like... people who are mentors who say good things about you like.. ur mom or make up some peoples etc etc

BMSilverFish said...

how about performance at school...

past work experiences

past school achievements

Why you're going to be good at the job

Why you want the job

recommendations from past supervisors

use sentences which make you seem like a responsible person

just stuff that shows them that you aren't a derpp...

Nafe said...

or you can just show up and do a back flip! i'd hire you!