it seems for the last week i have been reduced to expletion. oh well.
(please imagine this in the voice of the narrator from top gear, because he'd reading it in my mind as I write it.)
as you are probably aware, at IGS there is a measles scare at the moment. If four people get measles, the health department has to shut down the school. This means that the principal has been advising people not to go to school if they haven't had 2 measles shots.
Heres the catch: most of the guys and a few of the girls in years 10 and up, and maybe a few years lower have not had 2 measles shots. The official scheduling given to parents when we were children said that we needed one measles needle from 12 months, and no booster at all. The second measles shot she is indeed refering to, was not required. It has subsequently changed, so she expects us all to have the injections. The girls? They got a rubella shot, which also has the measles component in it.
Now here's the catch. You all know that in the odd chance I don't get picked up for my musical ability and be in a band, I will have nowhere else to go with my life career-wise and so stick my head down the metaphorical kitchen sink that is the world of careers in computing.
Because I'm advised to stay away from school (as well as being sick in the first place) there is a likely chance that I will miss the School Certificate.
Because we have no subject directly related to computing, they would give me an average of our school for the computing test. The test is ridiculously easy, but I have no life am just one of the best people I know at computers... software-wise. (Hardware? Quote: Me: "Why do you need a motherboard?" Dad: "Some day, son, you're going to work at Apple.") (Yeah, I know it's like, "how do you close a window?" and 5% of people say you double click the screen, but im making a point, so bear with me)
There are people in our year who aren't at nearly the same level of skill. Ordinary people, you know, who would use the windows calculater rather than excel, if they were stuck without a calculator in maths and needed to apply a formula twenty times. And I know the test is like, "How do you close a window", but I'm trying to make a point here... >: .
And these are the sort of people who will reduce my computer exam mark to about 95%. Having a mark as low as that, I will have less of a chance of employment. Not reduced greatly however.
Aside from this, I have been failing spectacularly this year in maths and english. (55% in last semesters exam D:)
If I want a chance to redeem myself for this year, it would be the school certificate. I was looking forward to it even though I knew I would have to study.
Now, here's whats worse: If I get better and the measles alert gets called off, I'm going to have to sit the school certificate.
As I am at the moment, I really can't study. My head still has that headache and I'm having some muscle pain, not to mention that soon Paper Mario 2 will arrive thus rendering study unpossible.
Im sick so Im getting a school certificate average. I went shit all this year. Angst. I dont have measles. Angst. I wish paper mario 2 would arrive. Angst. I wrote too much. Angst.