Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Deafening Reality

I love it when you get those beautiful moments where everything just seems to stop and you love life and everything and everyone around you... does that ever happen to anyone else? I find it usually happens when i 'm on a bus with my head against the window listening to my ipod and staring at the things passing by. like. when i'm in the car and we're driving to thredbo and i'm watching the sunset through half-closed eyes, i have this moment. and when we're on our way back from the Athletics carnival, again. and then today when i was on the bus home... it was raining and dark and i couldn't see out the window and the bus was too bright but for a moment everything just froze and i felt amazing. Celestial even. it's great. i think that might be like what being on E [wouldn't know from experience] is like... but it felt so natural. anyway. just wanted to share. i think everyone should post a favourite place of theres and why they go there and what it's like when they go. WHY DO YOU LIKE IT? because i told someone about one of my favourite places once and said that was the way they made me feel and well later they fucked me over... but i was happy while i was telling them and at the time it was true :] SO SPILL.

Peace out. ;___;


Brian said...

stop and love life? don't get that very often

had a favorite place but i doubt if i go there again it'll feel the same.

Favorite place now would probably be the comfort and security of my bed, accompanied by my trusty carbon fiber rod i took as a "souvenir" from our school rowing shed

RHItarded said...

I don't get it very often but i get it enough to recognise the feeling :3

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Yea i get that feeling mainly when im with my hommies and we're doing some really random shizz like treking in leura or to the airport and has a nice journey on the way and like, its just nice.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

Yea that feeling, you know, walking down the streets of hoi an at dusk, when its hot but kinda cool cos its night time, looking at all the lights and people of nam. and oh jesus, sitting on the deck of a boat, looking out into the most gorgeous sunset of halong bay.
those were some FUCKING good times. where everything feels right and everyone seems to be feeling it wit you.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

or even sitting in the bus, when its so hot outside and everyone's asleep and looking out and the moving scenery of like farms and houses of nam.
or like when i woke up in the middle of the nighht on the way to hue on the overnight train and looking out the window of the rural night life.
yea i get them times so much when im in nam.

Jonny Boyz said...

there was this one time in Egypt and we were driving through the desert at dawn and the sun came up over the horizen and it was like, "this happens everyday, but this one is special cause its mine and mine alone" and it was like, life is amazing. i LOVE that feeling.

RHItarded said...

YEAH! yeah that's exactly what i mean. man. i love life atm. <3 :]