Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gimme some sugar!

So i actually feel amazing atm. i feel so happy and relaxed and comfortable with the world. i mean i have that art case study due and that bio homework and i'm not up to date on my maths and i'll have a DT task and a Drama tast to do in the holidays BUT NONE OF IT SEEMS TO MATTER. it's weird. life is just amazing. it's like i'm having one of those 'love life' moments but for like... A WHOLE DAY. i hope it lasts a little longer. it will probably end when i see my sleep-depriven face in the morning but it's just SOOOO good now that i wanted to share. anyone else feel this way? ^_^


1 comment:

Brian said...

you're quickly becoming known to me as "Little Miss Sunshine" cause your constant state of joy lends itself to it.

a little envious i am