Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oh dear

So I went to the alcohol coogee party thing and it was good, nice, fun until these guys turned up and adrienne and maheena freaked and were like "lads" so max freaked out and they all legged it but me and nik talked to them and they were rly nice and they left but everyone was stressed and we wen back to maheenas and people were vomiting and i had like an emotional breakdown to ppl and alex passas held my hand and talked to me and it was nice. and then we got picked up by the bop people from maccas and went home and im tired. night.


Kwon said...

please never again. That wasnt so much fun for me

Hoggle said...

i have to agree with you there.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

awww you guys!!! when i was reading that i was like "oh sounds like fun" but i guess not rly.

anyway, we went to lassie's house and people played monopoly while i read japanese fashion magazines. then we had a really nice dinner in chinatown. yay, nice and classy

RHItarded said...

Naaw you guys had such [if not fun then exiting] exiting days. i slept. weeeee sleep. well you're alive at least ;P can't be worse then that time i got stuck in Rosa's house... D:<