So I thought I would take the time to reflect on this term cause thats what I do when I cannot sleep.
So basically my entire term up until like 2 weeks ago was like the beginning of this song, I wasn't exactly happy with my life and I just had sorta lost a spark in all the work I had to do. Anyway about 2 weeks ago I was in 3 unit maths and ms. souroullas was away and I had a really nice lesson talking to Liam and Maria, and we just chatted and it was just amazing. It made me feel really good. I guess finishing the 3 unit maths test helped with that too, and I have done like no hw since then. Anyway this week from like Sunday has been amazing.
Like Sunday we spent time together and we said goodbye to Camilla which was sad but it was also sorta time for reflection and we went and supported our friends at theatresports and it was a great day, then monday and tuesday I was sick but they were sorta like my recharge time, I was rly exhausted and I slept a lot but tuesday I did my prac report for physics and it just felt satisfying. But also on tuesday night, someone started the status thing on facebook and it is just a really nice feeling knowing that people love you. I mean I guess it was like what that guy said today with how when you see the good in other people you feel good yourselves and it is actually so true. I guess for me, this has been the most amazing week and we finish school for the term tomorrow. It makes me realise how nice our year group is, and I really can't think of anyone that I really hate. It is just an amazing feeling.
So I guess thats it, the perfect end to a shit term, just one more til yr 12.
Also Leadership is any action that makes the world I touch a better place. Sorry I needed to put it somewhere. and the dance was win.
Love you guys.
1 comment:
completely agree wit you. everythhing seemed really right this week. kakakakkaa.
but not as right as it was in NAM.
i need to learn to let go of the past.
the beautiful past.
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