Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I wrote this thing

So guys I wrote this thing.
Could you tell me if it makes sense or yeh just ur opinions.

Being a child is by far the most enjoyable experience ever had by anyone. I am only 16 but everything seems to only get more complicated from here on. Childhood memories remind us of the innocence we used to have. From the time before we had something to worry about. I remember being a child and I was most scared my younger sister would steal my attention.

When we are born, we are different in appearance and the place we come from but no child is brought into the world cold and heartless. We all have the same ability to love, be loved and so on, but somewhere between when we are born and when we are the adult, someone needs to help us along; water the plant so to say. I do not believe there is a god somewhere saying that someone will be a cold heartless bitch from the day they are born, everyone has potential, no-one is horrible by nature.

As a child we learn many skills that will help us in our day to day life, how to crawl, walk and talk are just the building blocks, we learn how to communicate, how to get what we need and here is when something may begin to go wrong. For example, Sarah is 5, she grew up being given anything when she cried and she learned that was all she had to do. John is 5 also, he threw tantrums, but his parents didn’t give him everything they could, they took the time to find out what he needed and so he learnt to ask for what he wanted. Every child learns in a different way, as with Sarah and John, we learn how to get what we need when we are children, but young children cannot find the difference between need and want. As we grow older we find the difference and because we have been using the same method for years, we assume it is going to work and it does. I do not know how to define it in Psychological terms but it is almost like we are taught a manual as a child and by the time we are 18 the manual is in our head, and it is so engrained in our consciousness we no longer think how it may be wrong, it has become part of our nature.

If you see a begging child on the street, you will feel sorrier for them than you would an adult. I believe it is because we have a psychological complex on fault. If you see a child begging in the street, they are, obviously, a child that has been brought up wrongly, or who has no money because their parents wouldn’t give them any, we will automatically draw a child’s begging towards the parents, even though we do not know the true story, it is our nature to assume they are not at fault. However when you come to an adult on the street, the same child 10 years later, our minds have changed, we will compare the child to ourselves based purely on how old they look. Even though they may never have been educated and their parents may have abandoned them; they may not have been able to do anything. It does not matter about the true story, once a child reaches adulthood, they automatically become someone that has never tried, of course we hear the success stories of people who have come off the streets and done amazing things but we apply it to everyone. It just isn’t that easy.


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i totally agree with you. its just all about preparation, childhood is basically learning before adulthood, but because of the changing world cultures, more adults view childhood as a time for fun and happiness and they often forget about simple virtues like respect and honour and they spoil the child. On the other hand, some children are forced to learn, because they have to help out on farms or something so they learn about hardwork and reward.
thats like me, im asian and we're all taught to be resourceful and to never waste stuff because wasting stuff is wasting money. money is the fruit of labour and labour is time and time is life. So, did you waste stuff? yes but you also waste life. Thats why i hate theives (like lasses), because they seek out to steal your life.
Its just all about culture and family values and stuff like that. Thats why we are all how we are.
But on top of that, is strength in personality, some people are born into a world of wrong and go with it, others, strong enough will learn the ways and balance of nature, and they'll fight it. Thats how success stories come out

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Even so, there is always space to learn like how when i was in primary school, i had the ability to feel almost no guilt and i was such a mean person, like looking back, i don't understand why i was like that. and now, i has guilt for most things i do and i think about stuff, and like when your a child people dont judge you as much, like your just another person no matter what clothes you wear, how tall you are or just things like that.
ALso like how when you're a child, you have your whole life ahead of you, you can be whoever you want to be and nothing defined you yet so you dont have to worry about the future...

Șмž said...

wow... so much writing
anyway, I just feel compelled to point out that children in the street can belong to poor families that live on the street, it's not like they have all been raised wrongly or they have parents who chose not to give them money.
fortune is a wierd thing, I guess I can't really say because I've never been homeless, but living on the street at any time of your life would be one of the worst imaginable fates in this day and age. To live in a wealthier country especially, and to not enjoy the privileges the masses take for granted must be a shocking experience.

I can also see how some of the things you say affect people later in life, for example your examples of Sarah and John,
Sarah is going to be a demanding teenager and a bit of a brat but John is going to be kind etc. (at least through their teenage years. Who knows, things might change drastically once again in another 10 years)

Also, stuff like social norms are mainly all impressed on people as a child; if you raised a child in isolation from one society then as an adult introduce them to it, they aren't going to fit in/know much about it easily. ie that video from year 7 geography about the yanomami people, and that one woman who moved to north america, and seh dednt speak english or anythign so didnt fit in.