So I was like I am going to go to bed after I defrag my comp, scan for viruses and change my background and I was going through my photos when I found this one...
and you see the person in the middle, thats me. The setting is the mossman gorge in queensland. Now you see how there is a person to the right and a little bit up and in black. That is Joel and Nathan was somewhere too.
They were in Qld at the same area, in the same gorge swimming in exactly the same place as we were and we were there for like an hr at most. What are the odds?
Also they have fucking huge rocks there. they are like 20 people.
Nature is amazing.
Just on that.
I have a question and you should all answer, what would you do if you could fly?
I would fly up every morning and watch the sunrise, fly above the clouds if i had to, just to see the sun every day.
lol i can see my step-uncle in that photo :P
and thats boring hogg <_< i'd fly to mt. rushmore be the first person to pucnh George Washington in the face. But not Abraham Lincoln. He's cool.
youre so american maxim... id just go to centrTHE GAME.
hmm...just lost the game
If i could fly, i would fly from building to building as if i was parcour jumping but not, cause im cheating.
and also, i would save the world.
oh sry maxim. It was a thing i thought. Sorry its so boring.
if i could fly.... iunno probably fly over water when i dont wanna get my feet wet. oh zomg i would totally fly and spin in air and make it look like im doing a backflip kakakakkaka
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