Saturday, July 4, 2009

travelling through time (again)

hai guise!! we're all 3 hours in front of kwonny and hoggy, they travelled back in time!! wooooo

Gasp! they're in the Past!

(i know all the factual scientificness of the inavailibility of time travel but i shall be amused at time difference)


Șмž said...

what do you mean? of course they travelled back in time, otherwise they'd be at the same time as us.

Șмž said...

wait, no, i was wrong. we're in the fututre.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

WoOaAhHh~~~ we are in the future. which means we know more than kwonny like we can tell him whats going to happen in the future cause we are in the future (if that makes any sense..)

hui in blaises house said...

no uuuuuuuuuuuu. takes one to know one