Thursday, September 17, 2009


fuck my life.

I hate it when people use 'fml' for everything. like, oh noes, i dropped my shit, fml. i missed the bus to go home, fml. my bus buddy isnt here today so i have to go home alone, fml. i mean, im just all like, at least your not grounded for 6 months. At least you can still go to sleepovers for the rest of your school life. At least your not controlled by your parents. at least the principal is not spreading rumours about your sister for no apparent reason, at least you dont have random unknown people making shit up and making the principal make such a stupid fuss out of everything. at least the principal doesn't try to stalk your social life and pick on a little park gathering when there are other big parties where people get drunk. i mean, fml, what the fuck did i do to make karma hate me?? what did i do that was soo bad. i mean other people lie to their parents to. other people do worse things. So people are all like, things could be worse. and im all like, things could be better, and im all like, i could have been doing something so much worse. i could be such a delinquent. If i started out as a delinquent child, maybe this wouldnt happen to me. K, so im overreacting, there are other kids in the world who have no bed and no food. but im not them. my life used to be sooo much better. and it could be like that. fml.


Kwon said...

lol wat now?

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

You read that? where did the text go it was all like, no, im going to be a stupid google blog system and not let yo thing work.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

IKR! come to school and ill have a long rant... MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

Șмž said...

come to school? but- ohshitspeakingexamtomorrow

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

-.-'. ikr, im ,ike studying for my speaking thing and i took everything from google translator.

AcionMan! said...

I still don't get why the FUCK the school thinks it should be acting as the police for the students. What authority does it have over some shit you did in your OWN spare time and OUT of school grounds. They're not the fucking police! Sure, if you were drinking beer in the toilets or having sex in the showers at school, fair enough, but WHAT THE FUCK.

(And ofc by "school" I mean Miss Murph-shitface.)

Ru, why don't you post this on FML? I think it certainly qualifies.