Saturday, September 5, 2009

A rant

Seriously marlena stop being so horrible about it. I would give anything to spend fathers day with my dad, or my birthday or his birthday but hes half way round the fucking world. Stop complaining and enjoy that you can actually go and see him without it costing 1000s of dollars and 21 fucking hours to get there. I only see my dad 4 times a year, except this year its 3. Im not gonna see him for another 5 mths and maybe you think you'd like that but it's not fun.
Seriously anyone that wants to complain about fathers day, dont do it on the blog or to me, cause if you think spending a day with your father is too much to ask, then you have a serious problem. Take it from someone with experience.

hey sry for going off at you marlena. I shouldnt have, i just get kinda emotional sometimes. sry for ranting at you. *hugs*


Betamaxrules said...

Oi! DX
I'm not saying don't see your dad and stuff, geez. Hey, I like spending time with my dad too.
But god, why does everyone have to do it on the same day?
It's just a manufactured holiday anyway. If you want to spend time with your dad and appreciate him and stuff, why would you have to do it on some particular day? Why not whenever you can?

Betamaxrules said...

And I'm not seeing my dad today anyway, he's away in god knows where

Hoggle said...

sry for going off at you, its just i used to complain about seeing him every weekend but only seeing him every few months puts things in perspective.
But yeh sry for going off at you. *hugs*

Betamaxrules said...

that's okay :D

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

You're both the slug and the snail.

Betamaxrules said...

no we're not

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

you keep thinking that

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Personally, i dont usually appreciate my father so i have to make up for it in one day or something and emily, why you have to say sorry to everything. If that is your opinion than whats wrong with that?

Hoggle said...

cause i went off at her unecessarily. and cause im always unsure of myself
and cause my friends are what keeps me going, if i dont have you guys then i would be depressed

Liam said...

I only see my dad every few months.
You get used to it.
Maybe I'm just cold and sterile.

Betamaxrules said...

DX hey.
I thought it was really nice that emily apologised for being too harsh and I really appreciate it.
And in return, I'm apologising to emily for causing her upset and being unthinking, cos I was pissed off at the time and lashed out without thinking.

So yeah, we were both a little rash. And it's good that we were kind about it and apologised, ok?
No harm done.

And no, we're not the slug and the snail, because although I may have said some pretty stupid things, Emily had good reasons to say what she did, and we both stopped being hotheaded pretty quickly.


Hoggle said...

yeh sry again marlena and liam im just an emotional person. its different for everyone.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

im knitting a sweater!

Betamaxrules said...

omg a sweater!
that's so cool!

And it's cold outside so you better take a sweeeaaaater.... A SWEEEEEAAAAATEEEERR...