Monday, September 28, 2009

so you think shinodaman can't rap do you hui. (bahaha. 3 videos (y) .)

yup. this are the song i cant get out of my head, and im all like (to ru) ugh, cant get this song out of my head. and shes all like (indifferently) k. and im all like, ill post it on the blog. and shes all like, yup, you do that.

also, to hui, when you say shinodaman cant rap for shit, but uve only heard like 2 of his songs, k?

yup. cant rap for shit you say. its a pity i had to get one of those 'lyrics' videos for dedicated, but its good song.

now with less space consumption. om-nom-nom :D


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

aiiight chillax. ima just saying my opinion from the album that i listened to. and i've heard more than 2 songs. dont go all crazy on me.

Șмž said...


yup. soz dude... bahaha. :D