quagsire really needs a wash.
So im going to keep up with my endless anti-MsshitMurphyface propaganda.
Ms shitMurphyface doesn't give a shit about little small gatherings but whenever there is a chance to make a student miserable, she will jump at that and use it. She will call you things and make you feel like shit. She will stalk your life to make you miserabe, to make life a living hell cause she does not want you to be happy. She records private conversations about you. She will bring in another person in the interigaration room so that that other bitch will be a witness and be like, nope, ms shitmurphyface was being humane the entire time. Infact, because ms murphy blew this situation so out of hand, i will make her seem like so much of a fag bitch dick fuck then she is and that is quite hard to top. And if she finds this, she cant use it agaisnt us cause really, who is this Ms shitMurphyface. As if she can make some shit up like that and make it your word against mine so that she can get away with her lies. I mean, she really doesnt know all the chaos and problems she caused. What does she want to get out of this? She says she is concern about other students. Concerned? in what way? for their studies? for their exams? for them to live properly? what is this shit. She doens't have the right to look into your personal lives and use it against you.
Maheena: Nicola? how did it go? are you okay?
Nicola: I just got sooo owned...
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