Friday, September 18, 2009

We're the new face of failure

Prettier and younger but not any better off...

So Ms Murphy has been threatening to cancel Vietnam and exchange for some of the students if they don't tell the 'truth'. The truth in this sense is what ms murphy thinks cause she is extremely convinced that her sources are correct. What she has been doing is interagrating people and trying to make them admit to things they didn't do so that she is right. This is like putting kids through questions and shit and under pressure and whatever little thing you do she will use it against you. So if she says something that you disagree to, you get all agitated and defensive and she says thats being rude and aggressive. She is snooping into your private lives. She will track down every party and find out exactly who is drinking and shit. Everything she finds she will use it against you. She'll be all like, this is because we are concern and we want to protect you but no, she doens't she wants to make your life miserable and this whole situation has been blown out of poprotions. She won't go to your teachers and ask them for their opinion cause they can stand up for you. She'll keep it in a way that its my word against yours. This isnt dennehy, dearn or baker or anything like that. This is at a principal level. This is where the principal butts her head into everything and wants to destroy your life at the exam period. What really bugs me is that where do they get all this information. Who are her sources. Who are these sources who know every party and every detail of who was drinking and taking what. She even has a 'jules and annie private conversation' in her database. Now thats just not cool. She's practically spying and invading your privacy.


AcionMan! said...

This is like a small firecracker going off, but Miss Murphy saying that it wasn't a firecracker but we had TNT, Dynamite, C4, Plastic Explosives, Nitro-glycerine, Napalm, A-Bombs, Nukes, Tsar Bombs, and fucking Orbital Pinpoint Strikers for fuck sake!

I say we go to Accurent Affair. As much as I disagree.. ahem I mean fucking hate with all my life.. of their reporting methods, they eat this kind of shit up for breakfast, and basically whoever gets to them first they'll be on their side! If we go to ACA, they'll be like "Outrageous Principal out of control; putting exams and FUTURE of kids at stake!"

But if Mr. Murphshitface gets to them first, they'll be like "Rampant Alcoholic teenagers don't know when to back down and abuse good-willed principal."

Just a thought...

8===D~~~☺ << Mr. Murphshitface cumming on its own face (or it might be spitting on its own face, coz it is a major DICK.)

Betamaxrules said...

actually, as much as I dislike aca, that's a good idea.
Maybe today tonight?


Șмž said...

hmmm... man, thats shit. i say we rebel in the small ways, like organising it so that the entire school gets 0 in the school certificate. that'd get to her.

miss murphy: WE ARE CONCERN.

Kwon said...

hey we can go down in the schools history as the only year to rebel to the school

Șмž said...

wait, no that won't work. brigitta and ella and a few others would still do it. plus everybody would think it'd be a trick to get them to do 0 while everyone else gets normal 60-70%.

JD said...

I told you all she was Jono...

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Max H T's plan:
Ms murphy: tell us everything
Student: i know nothing
Ms murphy: your a liar
student: fine, i am lieing. The truth is that there is a rave party in ms duma's office right now and everyone is having sex, drinking 1 bottle of alcohol per person, no contraception and everyone is doing LSD, cocaine, heroin and marijuana at the same time. Also, your house is being broken into at this present moment.

Betamaxrules said...