Thursday, September 17, 2009

i lol'd


Betamaxrules said...

I would have lol'd, but that was terrifying.

but, fascism, socialism, communism?

AcionMan! said...

ROFL @ 6:03 - "Facism is a type of Socialism!" Yeah, and Capitalism is just applied Communism, fucken morons.

Lol Czar. We all know Czar Nicolas became leader of the happy friendly USSR in the peaceful revolution, who later changed his name to Iosef Stalin

What I find funny about America is that it doesn't matter who's in power, they'll basically call anyone a Nazi or Facist or Socialist or w/e

(Lol @ 5:15 - "Grandma, where were you in 2009?" "I was protesting Obama's healthcare reforms." "STUPID BITCH! I could've had my appendix removed for FREE and now we're living on the streets to pay for it!"