Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sweet Dreams are made of this
It is so close to the end of school and I have a bit of a confession to make, I am actually kinda looking forward to the start of a new chapter and the end of this one.
Like first I guess, I haven't taken all the opportunities offered in school, and you know, I am not regretful for that. Yeah, I may not have gone into that event or the other, but I did try things a few times and you know that's enough for me.
I guess over high school I have had a lot of experiences, which has made me who I am today and coupled with some great ones, I have had some really horrific experiences at school, not so much at IGS but at St. Catherines and you know what, I know people say, school is one of the best parts of your life, but I would be so down if my entire life amounted to only what I had experienced in school. In fact, I would probably be disappointed with myself, if I was my happiest in school. I guess we can all put on the familiar memory goggles, and be like, "Yr 10 was so fun, weren't we awesome!" but you know, I actually haven't had the best school life, being highly emotional and sorta a little bit of a wimp. And it's getting better and it will get even better as I continue on to bigger and better things. These experiences are in no way your fault, they were just how I experience life. And like I said on Saturday, I am actually really greatful you pay me out because you taught me how to take a joke (I'm still learning, you guys are like 6 yrs up on me), but you know, the learning of that was hard and I got emotional.
I have to say on the other hand, I will miss spending time with you all and seeing you everyday and stuffs, but I have to at least admit, I will be excited to meet new people and make new friends. I am not going to be all doom & gloom, the friendship ends on the 13/14th of December when we get our ATAR, but you know at uni, new friends will be made and since you all mostly want to go to USyd and I want to go to UNSW, it won't be the same.
I do say though, I am sick of being a school student. Uniforms stick out like a sore thumb and I really really cannot wait to be rid of the title. Because for me, it feels belittling, like I cannot do anything or think of anything to someone older. Essentially that I am immature and irresponsible. And you know sometimes I get sick of it and I enjoy when I am on the bus without my uniform and I don't have the label of a school student. I dunno maybe it's just me, but I am sick of being labelled a school kid as if that all I contribute to the world is loudness and a bad taste in music. I guess it is for me personally another step in the direction of maturity and having my own life, where I am not considered as a singular of a large unit but as a person, someone with their own unique experiences and their own space. (I actually dream about living alone sometimes (just for the quiet and sentimentality of the moment))
I guess what I am trying to say, is I have come to terms with the leaving, by god, I will probably cry a fricking river on the last day, but you know, I am kinda happy I am done with school.
But then you know I guess it is sad to admit, that school is ending but to be honest, to put it clicheed and sadly, If life is a book, then it is the ultimate page turner because you can never flick to the end, you just gotta live it and love it.
And you know that's kinda how I feel at the moment. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
I just feel like I have to say this right now
People need to be more positive and embracing of new and different ideas.
One of the things game design taught me is that the best way to treat new ideas is to think about the idea first, then the technicalities later
If the original idea is actually reduced because it's hard to do / pull off, you're doing it wrong
Because the important part is the what, not the how
Great and amazing things are done by having big ideas and living up to them, but the best that can be achieved with practicality in mind the whole time is 'good'.
Why can't everyone have more optimism?
You miss every shot you don't take

Sunlight hurts my eyes
just thought i would share. claymore is sooo gooooddd

goddam what i would give to travel right now
This is based off Ru's to do with looks:
As Childish Gambino just said over my speakers
"But I'm happy that that shit happened to me
Cause it taught me most important is to do me"
So first of all, i think that to a degree everyone has self esteem issues, but it's just a matter of what you do about it. in my case, it's obvious that i wanna have a 6-pack n stuff and consequently i'm regularly going to the gym and stuff so that i can. and it's cool. like, getting fitter (e.g. i can now beat jon in an arm wrestle and can easily run further than him and especially when i look back to myself before when i had a lot of trouble riding my bike over the ANZAC bridge whereas i can now easily do it is pretty awesome). I think that at least in my case, the sense of achievement that i feel at having an achievable goal is cool and when you actually realise that you are getting fitter and stuff, then it's cool to see the change.
So that loosely related to ru's things on aesthetics so here is something that is closer to her last two posts... I think its annoying when people hate how they look and stuff in photos, i mean everyone has bad photos. And especially when it's something like our group which i believe has no ugly people in it. Like there are heaps of bad photos of me but i accept that they're there and am like "all the crazy stuffs i did that night, those will be the best memories" or something like that. I mean i dressed horribly at Blackheath and as such there are heaps of bad photos of me but that was one of my favourite times of my life and i wouldn't change that and i had fun with the horrendousness and as such i think that they should try to too.
As related to her other post, it sucks that you didn't get the mark you wanted and that he plagiarised (from what you said as i haven't actually seen/remember the one from the year book). but (just trying to see it from both sides) as far as i know, he did put in a lot of work, so it's not like he totally didn't deserve the mark. But yeah, for mine i would have liked just a bit higher but the cards have been dealt and we just have to hope for the best and when I get my marks back, I'll be able to shout "BLACKJACK!!!" cause i did well (cause of the card thing above).
The CG quote relates to everything cause this post was about aesthetics and he's talking about working with what you get and making the best out of your situation.
Next point is related to hui's post.
Watching TV and stuff, I really hope that i can some day be rich (and hopefully famous) enough to have a really awesome life where i can travel heaps with my awesome family and while i'm still a bachelor i can have a super awesome chill life. I think i read somewhere in there about "chill" which reminds me of one of the things i want most from schoolies. This thing is to have a few super chill times. what i mean by this is like sitting on the beach for a while and just taking in the atmosphere and how awesome our lives are or the same thing but on the balcony or walking through the streets. Like recently i've been either riding my bike or walking between the two buildings at night between jon's house and gym or wherever else and (especially with cool music playing) i realise how privileged we are and how awesome technology and life is and it's just SUPER COOL and AWESOME!!! Now this doesn't mean i want to be a kill joy or anything, like i still wanna party and stuff but i also just really want to have these awesome memories which i think can be just as important (for reminiscing) as the group at a party or whatever. you get me?
And props to emily, that photo is pretty chill.
My final thing was my job when i am older/ what i want to do with my life (which was asked a while ago).
Well i think that my most achievable goal is to be an architect, cause that seems like a cool job and fun and i can also get lost of money and maybe even be famous from my achievements in the designing field. Now for the more obscure, which i probable won't ever do. First up we'll say about how it'd be cool to be a famous musician and/or actor just like Childish Gambino or Will Smith who are both awesome!!! cause i think that'd be fun. Second up is being an elite soldier in the SAS or something just because i have heaps of respect for them and i think it'd be cool to have that sort of respect (except that i don't want to kill people, so that's a bit of an issue and as such one of the main reasons why that wouldn't happen), but i think i will join the army reserves because you still get skills and training and it just seems pretty cool (ya'll should do it too). Next up is winning the Tour de France, just cause that seems fun. But if you try and do intense training on a bike, you realise that it's surprisingly very difficult to sustain their speed and power over the distance they travel in one day, let alone a whole month (and coupled with my leg issues, this seems unlikely). But i would really like to ride across australia on a push bike (we have a family friend/ relative, but not to me who did it and it just seems like it was a cool thing to do). I'd also really like to learn how to repair motorbikes and then buy one cheaply, restore it and then ride it from the bottom of asia to the tip of Scotland (or something massive like that) just cause that also seems awesome and the stories that i'd get from it would last a life time. I also want to set foot on every continent in the world. And also i wouldn't mind dabbling in the fashion industry, cause i like fly clothes. So i think that's pretty much everything.
And in relation to what i'd do with a million dollars, i'd buy a $100,000 car (it'd be so fly), spend like $25,000 on clothes, take my family on an awesome holiday for about $50,000, buy a $500,000-600,000 house and spend the rest renovating it and get into the renovating industry and make more money that way (if I could put some away, it'd put $100,000 away for uni and random other stuff/if i or anyone i know ever really needs money then it's there) and i'd spend the spare $25,000 on a motorbike.
So that's a pretty long post and all but that's what i think at the moment.
See ya
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
HELL YEH, I have been waiting for this for like a month.
On another note, I am so proud of us as a blog, we are fucking awesome to have this many posts and still be going. Yay US!!!!!!!!
Reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud.
you know, like sometimes i see a documentary on gangs and shit and im like, damn it would be mad if i was involved in crazy shit like that
but then i realise, the grass is always greener, because most grass is green and it makes no sense, its like saying a piece of paper is more papery, wait, that kinda makes sense, cos some paper can be less papery like crepe paper, IDK, thats not the point.
i freakin love my life and everything in it. sometimes i see other people and i would be like, hey, it would be cool if i could be more outgoing or normal but then, i think, hold up, i aint like them. Im myself. and i love myself and who i is. i actually try to justify a lot by sayin i was born this way but i know that everything about me reflects on my life experiences, no one is born anyway (except for like default settings like gender, race, sexuality, etc things you cant choose, you know)
sometimes i get angry at someone cos they annoying and i talk shit about them, but really, its not exactly their fault, its just their life experience and up bringing, which is why i try not to hold grudges and why my opinion of somebody can change in a second.
anyway, i semi-forgot my point so im just gonna say what comes to mind. cos its fun haha, i think im waayy too comfortable with my life, like its just been so good so far. i know i cry alot and whine and shit but i really dont mean it, its just the way i is. and sometimes i cant believe how accepting i am of myself. like i dont use make-up not really because i think its silly eventho i say that, its cos i just 100% feel like i, really, dont need, it.
and i guess it is ok for me to be ok with myself, cos if theres something im unhappy about, i work to change it, i make concious efforts.
Man, when i heard kanye say "reach for the stars, so if you fall you land on a cloud", i didnt realise how much it would affect me. but it makes so much sense. man i love music
im soo happy guys weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
EDIT: i forgot to say this but i've been noticing some apologising/excusing of rants/opinions, and i think its sirry cos this is a random stuffs blog and we should be able to express anger/hate/self indulgence etc if we want to. i learn more about everyone everytime they post and i love the debates and disagreements etc etc
Looks and self esteem shit.
The context is that I wanted to take pictures of my friends today outside the art room and I wanted people to be in the photos to represent our memories and treasured times we have spent together. But when you take pictures, there is always someone talking about how unattractive they look and are and how they always look unattractive in photos. Some refused to be in photos because they felt that they did not look good. Which is quite strange.
Now I will begin with my view. My view which is usually odd and not with the norm. I feel that if you are with your friends and just taking pictures with your friends, there is no need to look special and good or anything. I think the memories held in photos have a larger importance then how one looks in the photo. When I told one of them that she looked really pretty today, she just exclaimed that she felt like she wasnt and that 'she nearly threw up after seeing her reflection'. Now I know that she was just exxagerating but my point is that, when in situations with your friends, I don't think that people should worry or really care about their appearance. I mean, there is sooooo much more to people than how they look and after the photo is taken, it is usually a 'omg i look soo unattractive in that' or 'I look so bad' remark when I feel that the setting and the atmosphere of the photo is much more than that.
And to be honest, i feel like the people around us don't care. Are we so shallow to care about how our friend looks that day? If people around you don't care then why should you? I mean it's nice to look nice and to feel good but I feel that if people can only see their physical appearance in the situation and nothing else.. its like, idk how to say it... I just feel that at this point in time, you have spent so much time with people and now we are ending our highschool time so we take the extra effort to create memories with each other because it might not last but all people can think of is how they look.
and its a reflection of the world around us and how people feel. Anyway, I know that I'm overeacting but it just made me feel a bit sad.
thank you for your time .
Monday, August 29, 2011
Towards the end
I dont want people to read this and think that i am dissing other peoples artworks and stuff, its just what ive seen and learnt from this process.
Art marking, when they mark the works for art, no one sees the process and no one sees the effort. So in the end, it doesnt matter whose idea it was or how much time and effort was put into the work but it is the end result.
And this is true to the real world. No one cares about how long something took, no one sees the blood sweat and tears (to use a cliche) and because of that, they can just judge it on some criteria that has been written.
Actually, this is probably going to be a rant about my own disspointment and its probably going to be quite whiny and rude and self indulgent and almost an ego something something.
So there are many factors that take play in my perspective like I only see what i'm going through, i dont know what other people are going through and I only judge by what I see and these views that I have may be incorrect.
So I was a little (well not really more like very) dissapointed with my art result because it was lower than what I got last time. I had a few rants about how other people didnt deserve the high mark they had due to things like, that they didnt make their own concept or it wasnt their idea or they didnt spend very much time on it or that they used their art periods to do other class's homework. But then i got over it because, i was thinking, ok, its a process, its the real world, no one cares and it isnt that person's fault they got a high mark. And then i started dissing the system, about how the markers didnt care for concept but then i felt bad cause it almost seemed like I wanted other people to do badly which i didnt.
So then i had to stop dissing things. But then today. I found out, that someone's art work seemed to be a complete rip off of another IGS student's work from 2 years ago. When i saw the intense similarities, i thought, oh, he must be appropriating the work or taking inspiration from it or it is a shheeerr coincidence (lol jokes i didnt think that). So i went up to him and asked him about it and he said that he 'subconciously got the idea from there'... strange thing to blame the subconcious. I mean, i dont mind if someone takes someone else's idea (its art for gods sake) but when they start to take credit as if it was their original idea.. i get a bit iffed. But it was mainly my own dissapointment because i was really impressed by his works, and i thought it was really original and i always went on about how it was only possible for someone like him to come up with such an idea but then it felt like.. i dunno ... lies..? (sorry to be such a dramatic)
I mean, i remember (now this is going to be really really egoistic but i really want to be honest) when declan came up to him and said that his art was the most original piece of art he had ever seen and that his work was the most original out of everyones i was like, gee i thought mine was pretty original.. or Lord of the palmtrees.. I thought that my work was a little bit more original than that so i felt offended (see i told you i was going to be all up myself and shit) but at that time i sort of agreed as well.
and now.. its like.. he does better than me when it isnt really his idea and i just being all stupid and whiny or some shit, feel like Ive spent sooooo much effort on making something different and original and yea. I dont know. I guess thats how the art world works and thats how the real world works.
No one cares for your original ideas or effort or time. um, if you're still reading, i have a feeling that this is going to be retarded to read because I feel as though ive lost my ability to make proper sentences.
um.. its been some time since i made a rant and i hope im not trying to be rude.. um.. since Ive come this far im going to press publish so please do your best to not be offended or anything...
Sunday, August 28, 2011
My Name is MinHO!

Minho! the most awesome SHINee
cos you guize tots care.
on another note, i just finished my D&T wooooooooooooooo
also guys, get ready to be sick of me cos im going to make-up for my lack of social life in the past 2 months
I am fucking blacksmith
According to my ipods stopwatch function it took 1:17:00 to do
Fuck that was a long way
I could have got a cab
But I walked
Like a long distance
Through pyrmont and errything
I ended up saving like $25
Fakin' experiments

a whole bunch of random shit i had to make to fake my D&T experiments and casually removing the tool bar at the bottom so the markers dont see the date and time
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Dnt due on monday
-Dnt Printing
-Met up with friends
-Open day with friends
-Having fun with friends
-Leave friends to supposely do DnT
-Take super long nap til 8 pm
-wake up for dinner
-Colour in stuff
-Procrastinating still (tumblr, manga etc.)
I have quite a few things to do but I feel okay. I feel like I'll be able to do this even if I watch another episode. Maybe I'm just too calm about this now.
And like today I went to the unis and it was nice, fun and exciting and I was like, yea, okay i understand my options! Im ready for this! I can leave school and know what Im doing!! Then i came home feeling all okay and stuff and then an hour past and I realised that I havent made any progress in my future plans....
Then I feel like i forgot everything about what i learnt today and shit got depressing and confusing so I went to tumblr.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Yo Yo Psychedelic Frenz
And I might go to UTS after or something cause I think they have an open day as well.
Chucking the all nighter
Manakon out
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Um so new rant
What is your opinion of pro-life?
But that is not what this rant is about, this rant is about a political party.
The party is called the "Australian Party" and all members have to pledge to a set of core values.
The core values include the statement that marriage should remain the union of a man and a woman, and that Australian society and government should be based on Christian values.
As an atheist, gay rights supporter and ranter, you can see how this infuriated me.
First of all, I do not think a party should be allowed to call itself the Australia Party, because I think that is a fucking piece of shit. And it shouldn't be named that. National Party fits under this category too.
But yeh, it just made me so angry, because as an atheist, christian values (God) are fucking useless. Yess treating others as you would like to be treated is good, but sex before marriage, come on (it's just an example) and you know it's just not my thing.
Then come on seriously, anti-gay rights? Like get the fuck out. I have to clarify something quickly here, I do believe that the religious union is out-dated however, marriage itself (not including the religion) more just as a sort of meaning/umbrella term, I do not think is antiquated.
But yeh, this stupid homophobic idea that a marriage should only be between a man and a woman because in the eyes of god, blah blah blah, it is only looking at the religious side of the argument. Marriage is an umbrella term and if people wish to say they are against gay marriage because of religion, they should state that, but this does not cover all meanings of the word. Under marriage, you can have "union of god's will" or "formal partnership, as decided by those partaking" The second one, sounds perfectly okay to someone against gay marriage for religious reasons because they do not associate formal partnership with god. And this is like all the English texts and various parts of life. The English Language has let us down. Marriage itself is an umbrella term and because in English we have so many things that mean the similar but slightly different thing, the meaning gets confused and that I believe is why, there is this idiocy that marriage is even vaguely related to God.
Also on a more feminism note, I have decided I want to walk up the aisle (if I do (hehe pun)) alone, because the fact that my father would have to give me away, basically as merchandise, is extremely degrading.
Like the idea that you have to be given away as a woman, oh fuck off with that.
I do not understand why the world is not all atheist; it gets rid of a lot of problems.
But then I was thinking about religion and also the "greatest story ever told". first of all STORY. and second of all, really? I actually think it's a shit story. I have read far more interesting and complex novels that are actually pertinent to my life. The nativity scene/idea is actually kinda boring. The plot is simple enough, but have you ever tried to follow a star? Or head in the direction, earth is rotating it's not going to work. Three wise men, well you know. 3 kings, obviously have nothing better to do. Frankincense and myrrh i actually realised is incense. I'd go on and adapt this now, but I don't really want to piss anyone off (oops).
YAY (ノ⊙ヮ⊙)ノ*:・゚✧
Monday, August 22, 2011

Poooooo i want to drive so bad but im so slow and don't get any hours done, how are you guys going with it?
So I don't really want to clean up my room
Basically this thing is..
Do you guys ever get this thing when your parents are like, "You should clean up your room" and you say "why?" and they say, "Because it looks bad" and you say "Why don't I just keep the door shut?" And they go "No, that's not good enough", and you go "why not?" and they can't really justify it and so they say something vaguely irrational like, "You just have to clean it up or I will never do anything for you" and you are thinking that they will, they are just temporarily heated and it'll be fine.
Yeh Story of my Life.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011
My Sister April
My sister April has this problem where she lovesss screaming, whining, yelling, stomping and slamming doors. And she doesn't like to admit it but she really loves to throw tentrums.
so like she didnt check her email for 30 days and didnt get the thing to pay her uni fees so then she ran to my father and was all like, arguing and stuff. And then my father asked her something and as usual, she went ballistic.
like she is just a crazy ass uncontrollable person. Like she will just randomly go all crazy and angry on your face for no reason and then blame it on stress. And she has always been using this stress as a reason for her random outbursts. And like, i am sooooo sick of her screaming, i mean she is like 20. She has lived 20 years of life and she still acts like the biggest brat everrr. Like if you think of Hui when shes talking about going to the movies, its like a billion times worse than that. And if i go to her room without her permission, she gets all up my grill but then when she goes to my room and USES mah nail polish, its okay.
So just then she had like a massive screaming fight, you know like those ones you see couples who are on the verge of divorce in chinese dramas, it was like that. SO much screaming and crying and like my dad was trying to say something but she was all crying and screaming so he couldnt say anything and I could just feel his frustration cause, I understand how unreasonable April can be. And then she pulls up all this nonsense about how she just wanted a calm conversation and then she says that she feels like the failure of the family.
And im just sitting here on the computer watching anime.. like... gee way to make me feel bad.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Drama Performances!
i was sooo entertained. THERE WAS NO BAD PERFORMANCE.
ahh im so proud of our friends :)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Nothing to do
If you had a million dollars and only 3 months to spend it (then the rest disappeared). What would you spend it on?
And don't say something annoyingly redundant like, shares and earn more money.
I think I would buy an apartment for like $800,000 and then furnish it for $50,000 and then I would give $100,000 to my mum to pay for the renovation of our house. and the final $50,000 I would give $10,000 to charity, $10,000 to my sister, and then the final $20,000 probably buying art and DVDs and stuff and a holiday to Thailand.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
So like...

But there was no holiday, but i feel like, I have been on a nice fun break and its coming to an end on tuesday.
Im seriously not looking forward to it beaquase of results....
all my creys.
its very late
but what is wrong with us/me/people these days?
why can't we say the things we want to say to the people we care most about?
why are we scared to be ourselves and take a chance?
we only live 80 odd years, right?
we're like a fifth of the way there and i know i don't want to grow old and regret anything.
so what's stopping us?
idk life
List of animes in that other post i made
Ah! My Goddess
Ai Yori Aoshi
Angelic Layer
Asu no Yoichi
Azumanga Daioh
Big O
Black Lagoon
Blue Dragon
Burst Angel
Cardcaptor Sakura
Chrono Crusade
City Hunter
Code Geass
Cowboy Bebop
D. Gray Man
Death Note
Devil May Cry
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
H2O Footprints in the Sand
Eureka Seven
FateStay Night
Full Metal Panic!
Full Metal Panic Fumoffu
Full Metal Panic The 2nd Raid
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fushigi Yuugi
Ghost Stories
Girls Bravo
Golgo 13
Gosyusho sama Ninomiya-kun
Gundam 00
Gundam Wing
Gurren Lagann
Hajime no Ippo
Hikaru no Go
Ikki Tousen
Ikki Tousen Dragon Destiny
Inu Yasha
Kare Kano
Kaze no Stigma
Last Exile
Love Hina
Love Hina Again
Mai Hime
Mai Otome
Martian Successor Nadesico
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Midori Days
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water
Nanatsuiro Drops
Neon Genesis Evangelion
One Piece
Ranma 1/2
Read or Die OAV
Ruin Explorer
Sailor Moon
Samurai Deeper Kyo
School Days
School Rumble
Shakugan no Shana
Strawberry Panic
Strike Witches
Tenchi Muyo Universe
Third - the Girl with the Blue Eye
To Aru Majutsu no Index
Toward the Terra
True Tears
Welcome to the NHK
Wolf's Rain
Yu Yu Hakusho
the ones in orange are ones that i know/ heard of
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Hey guys, I had tons of fun last night!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Every Anime Opening Ever Made
S'pose to make fun of anime openings but its actually an awesome montage of animes with awesome music.
I also love recognising animes in it
Thursday, August 11, 2011
hey this is the one right?

cause if its not, it will be embarrasing. But if it is, it has over 2700 notes and I only got here because emily booth reblogged it.
in dah past
and now the same guy goes to school with my cousin hahahha
and then one time, we had a war, which was when our k2 class randomly split up into 2 groups and started charging at each other and violently bashing each other. nobody could win since we were all just mindlessly hurting each other and i kept forgetting who was on my team. and anyway the war ended when playtime ended. and it was a game. a game called war.
and cos of that, we were especially sweaty so we had to sit in the teacher's office to cool of. then suddenly, something reeked and jason had shat his pants for some reason. it was soo funny and i dont think he was embarassed at all.
and we had 5 years of pre-highschool, or whatever you call it, it went like preschool, nursery 1, nursery 2, kindergarten1 and kindergarten 2.
and in primary i was pretty bad ass too. I was also a massive tomboy and made being girly un cool. and then ru and i dissed leotard type swimsuits so my friends started getting surf suit like ones because shorts are better haha
and i started stealing stationary in year 4 and 5 because it was fun and ru and i even taught other people to do it. and there were rules on who and what you could steal.
and our maths exam in year 5 was 3 hours long and it seemed more serious than the trials now
and i was super bad at chinese and drew all over my textbook. our chinese textbooks were like anthologies of stories with pictures in them and i drew speech bubbles to form funny comics. it was super funny. hahahha. hhahahahahahahahha.
Ring ding dong ring ding dong ring dingy ding dingy ding dingy dong
so im just going to talk about schooling experiences.
Um, in kindergarten all my friends were boys and i was like the most tomboyish person like eva so then i was really sad because i was going to an all girls school in primary.
And there is this thing called an oral exam and they provided you with a picture and you had to talk about it, somehow this demonstrates your english learning, and there was a picture of a boy in a really messy room and he was all dirty and shit and the teacher would ask you questions like, what do you see? What do you think about this room? and then they asked, 'Do you think you would like this boy' in which i replied 'Yes' and they were like 'Why?' and I said, 'because his a boy and i like boys' and then they started laughing and said i could go and i was like, why are they laughing...
I remember, you were given partners in primary school and they usually became your bestfriend. I met a girl called Nur Quistina and she was really loud and i was shy, and i was like, dam how do i be like her. But then she had friendship problems with other people so i was like, nvm, maybe i dont want to be her. But she was nice.
I just remember being scared all the time of everything and it didnt help because i had a twin so like, it sounds really sad but i hung out with my twin all the time. And then going from super shy in primary 2 to becoming super cool in year 4 and 5 and thinking that i was the shit and stuff.
Then coming to Australia eventhough I had lots of friends in singapore but i didnt really think that i was going to miss them or anything.. And my first friend besides adrienne was Kaz and penelope and it was really bad because when you used to live in asia and you think all asian people look different and you come to australia and i think that all white people look the same i couldnt put peoples names to their faces so i got really worried and mixed up people and it was embarrassing and i dont want to talk about it.. =.=
I finally have the internet again
it was gonna be a reply to hoggs post, but it was slightly off topic so i made it a post.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I think the main reason for this is kinda the end of school.
Like I know the HSC end is still a few months away but the assemblies and actual sorta end of term 3.
That is in about a month and I dunno, I'm kinda happy and looking forward to the end of the HSC.
And to be honest, I am kinda looking forward to a new start and such.
Like I love you guys but sometimes the jokes get a bit endless and the payouts don't stop.
Plus sorta the stress of school never helps.
I will miss school in general though, the every day routine, the teachers, friends, protection, and to a degree uniform.
I mean I guess those are all things you get over and you find new things at university but I guess in the cliche way, it's the end of a Journey that has lasted so long and when I think about when I started school. My first memory, sitting in the primary library at St. Catherines with a girl called Alice, and we read books as we waited for orientation to start. And my mum and dad took photos and it was so long ago. And then you know when I moved to Europe, and I remember asking mum if I could start another day and everyone was so friendly. Then like when I cam to IGS and I sat in reception while everyone looked at me. And I met Georgia Gravanis, Jayden and Mr. Raniga. And then Phoebe. It just seems all like a distant memory and for all the bad times I have had in various schools, it is always just a little saxx to be leaving, for all those experiences. More than half my life and it's over so soon.
So I was kinda sad, so I do what I always do when I get sad about something, I read quotes on the subject.
And I found the one that probably made me feel better the most from a Dr. Seuss book.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the person who'll decide where to go.”
And it was that that made me smile and sorta think, you know it'll all be ok.
Cool link
Massive birds
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
It is obviously incredibly hot this summer in tennessee

someone tried to bake cookies in their car. parked outside a walmart.
Status Updates
I keep seeing it as status updates and I don't know who the guy is, also stupid name.
USA Debt.

this is a pretty bad picture but the tallest building is actually 114.5trillion dollars in stacked $100 bills. Its a shit load of money and how much the US owes in unfunded liabilities.
It is the amount of money the U.S. Government
knows it does not have to fully fund the Medicare, Medicare Prescription Drug Program,
Social Security, Military and civil servant pensions. It is the money USA knows it will not
have to pay all its bills.
The shortest one next to it is actually 15 trillion dollars and is the US national Debt (personal debt including credit cards, mortgage and consumer) though its actually 16 billion now
here are some fun facts
$ 176,063 - debt per US citizen
$ 668,096 - debt per US family
311 953 103 - US population
111 901 415 - number of US tax payers
anyway, i found this pretty crazy. i just dont get why people still spend like crazy when they're in debt and why they find it so hard to save their monies. Im probs just being azn tho
check out to see the debt in real time
Pretty much I'm just wondering how Vegeta becomes a good guy (cause that should happen soon) and also I wanna see Trunks (because he's my favourite), but he first appears at episode 126 so that's a while off...
But yeah, DBZ is AWESOME and I hope everyone is doing well in their exams and continues to do well. Later.
And here's a DBZ joke I read and thought was hilarious:
How many Dragon Ball Z characters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One, but it'll take about 6 episodes!
London Riots
From Wikipedia,
"The 2011 London riots are a series of ongoing public disturbances and lootings in London which began initially in Tottenham, North London, on 6 August 2011 following the fatal shooting of a 29-year-old civilian, Mark Duggan, by officers of the Metropolitan Police Service"
I dunno, it just seems a bit like it.
Big week, there was those riots;
Then the USA was dropped from AAA credit rating to AA+ and apparently China is ticked off, cause the US cannot get it's act together and continuously over spends.
The High Court placed an injunction on the Malaysia Deal about asylum seekers, thank god, might mean it is changed, so we have to accept asylum seekers and the racists can clam it.
Scientists using an x-ray telescope captured a star being ripped apart by a black hole, that supposedly happens once every 10 000 years and it should answer some big questions about the universe.
The Australian census is due to be finished tonight, seeing the newest population count in a few months as well as demographics of the population.
Then finally, the may be an ecological disaster on the reef, apparently due to floods in Brisbane and coral bleaching.
Oh and Happy Piece:
A baby humpback whale has found his mother again after a tragic journey. He was first washed up on a Gold Coast beach, saved by people, sent back into the water to get tangled in netting but did get away free. :)
Monday, August 8, 2011
hey guys.
this blog is really fun. Like its a place where if i write something. im sure people will read it.
and its nice you know. And everyone here is so nice. Maybe sometimes people are too polite. But like i can see why because of past problems.
but if you look at it that way, then this blog could be a reflection of our own lives you know.
and it should be. like posting about things you like, care about, stumble upon, feelings, daily lives.
Sometimes, its just nice to have a place, to write things and even if people dont comment, im sure people would have read the post.
its nice. yay..
You guys are the best. even the people who dont blog here.
people like brian and joel who used to frequent here alot but now i barely see them. I hope they didnt leave.
The internet is soooooooooooo fun. It's like the gate way to the universe.
thats just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to do you know.
im going press publish post now.
Hogg's Ideas of the week
- The 10 yr old model
So the first topic of this rant is the ten year old model and before you read my blog post, I'd like you to read this article.
If you don't want to read it because it is too long, the general gist is that a 10 yr old girl is now posing for a magazing, Vogue of all things. You can see the pictures there and I know I always seem like against the people that do these things, but honestly it is fucked so utterly fucked. The premise that a parent would let her child do such a thing is appalling.
Another thing, there are picture of this girl with her top off, not in the magazine but other places. People say it is art, but you know what FUCK THEM. I'm sorry, that's like one step away from saying child porn is art. No it's not. It's disgusting.
And Don't even tell me it is about a constrained society, no it's about letting children be children and not corrupting a 10 yr olds sexuality.
Maybe the people supporting this, should think about the possibility of some 60 yr old pedophile masturbating to the pictures of this girl without a shirt and they might think differently.
- Next thing, Scientist vs. sporting hero.
Please read the following 2 articles.
That second video has recieved acclaim because she is apparently 'unaustralian' and you know what whoever says that, to me, you are a waste of my time.
Yeah, it's great that Cadel Evans won the Tour de France, but guess what else happened; Police browsed the Norwegian's world that killed 76 people through his internet searches; Somalia called for NGO aid as 11 million people are in need of humanitarian aid; 100 firefighters battled a blaze for 2 hrs in Sydney's north west; Fred Niles spoke out against ethics classes as he is wanker; and of course more debate about the carbon tax (rant about that another time)
While I don't disagree, that sports people should be honoured, maybe we should spend more time honouring the people who create the cancer cures and those who fight the fires.
Cadel Evans to be honest, is little more than a slight rise in a so-called Australian Pride, as with every other achieving sports person, that we delude ourselves into feeling happy about because we cannot face our own stupidity in the other areas of society. Yeah, he's good, but you know what would be nice, if when Cadel Evans had a dream and saw sports people on the television, other kids had also seen the scientists like, Peter O'Dougherty and Alan Walsch. Maybe then we would be proud
The way our society is, at the moment, all I am seeing in Australia, is a bunch of anti-climate change, anti-immigration and only pro-sporting individuals.
I am not saying we should not congratulate him, but maybe he shouldn't be the only thing on the front page, maybe we should honour other members of our society.
To be honest, I'd much rather be an intellectual than ride a bike. Like I know, if that's your dream follow it, just maybe, some dreams should be promoted equally. I mean as a kid, do you want to be the scientist that achieves but is only recognised by 10% of australians or do you want to be the proud Aussie cyclist on the front page for Australia, and be known by 90% of Australians?
I'm off
The fuck just happened. Sorry for long post but like seriously have to get it off my chest.
SO like i was on the way on and i went to the bus stop at the QVB. and theres this like creepy middle aged man slowly walking around and shit. so im like, yeah his just a normal society person so i just like lean against the glass and listen to my ipod.
He approaches me and does this mumbly whispery thing and says, H-how are you?
so im like, ok, just a normal stranger who wants to wonder how im doing. wateva.
so im like, 'ok..?' In a semi annoyed voice cause i just wanna listen to my K-pop.
SO then like, i look at my ipod and look back up and then his like walking around me in a 2 metre radius and like staring at the floor and shit and whenever i look up, his like looking at me and then he quickly turns away. SO im like, ok, so his a bit socially retarted, probably mentally disabled. And then he like gets really close to me and I just give him this stare thats like 'omg go away' and then he like sort of looks away and walks around some more but within my proximity. So im like, ok ok, he just seems to like walking around where i stand. A mere coincidence. and then he does this weird whisply mumbling thing again and asks' going home' so im like, pretend not to listen, i dont want to talk to you.
And then im too busy looking at my ipod to avoid his eyes that i freakin missed a 441 bus. so im like, gee great, what ever. And then a 443 bus comes, and another one and then a 441 bus comes. So im, like well that wanst too bad. Im pretty sure this guy here meant no bad intentions or to creep me out so im going to hop on my bus and get like i hurridly walk away..
and then i dont see him so im like, see, im bad for suspecting people in society. But then when im sitting, he comes up and sits right in front of me. And like you know how where your with your friends and you sit tilted so that you can talk to them when their behind you. He did that. And like he tries to start conversations and im like, wth, leave me along but i didnt say that. i just gave tons of stares because you know, i still didnt want to suspect him or anything.
Then i put my hand near the button to press stop (eventhough it not my stop, i decided to do some experiments) and he like jolts up abit. And everything that stop bus siren comes on he like looks at me and im like wth. And he keeps staring at me and giving me glances, the entire way. And like, im not usually one of those people who's like, omg, he was totally staring at my butt. But he kept staring at my legs. And everytime, i move my legs he kept like changing his glance. Now, im thinking, you know what, im just paranoid. But still, even if he didnt mean ill intention, it still made me fucking uncomfortable.
So im all like fuck it, If he is going to follow me, might as well make him walk a fucking long distance through balmain. But as i was going to put that plan, i thought of a better one. I press the stop button and he immediately notice me put my things together and get ready to leave the bus. Now this is not my stop. As i stand up, he stands up too and walks to the door. He was sitting infront of me so just as i seemed like i was going to walk out, he walks out and i take a seat next to the door. And I look out and he is looking at me in the bus all confused and shit. and im like, wtf, he was going to follow me home. Da fuck.
Like imagine if that really was my stop, he would have fucking followed me if i didnt trick him. And maybe im sounding crazy or paranoid or have no reason to suspect an innocent citizen but you know what. He made me fucking uncomfortable, like im not like this, i dont give shits about other people, unless they are fucking staring at me the entire fucking time.
thank you for your time.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
I put my chair on my bed
to make it look less comfortable
so i wont want to go on it, forcing me to stay on the floor and study
it actually works really well

Cyanide & Happiness @
So yeah, good luck everyone with all of your exams!!!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
the mirror. Its the mirror.
How could i have been so blind? So..ignorant
The thing that we stare into everyday, to approve of our own appearance…thats what degrades our society by that little bit.
We become unable to feel exactly what our hearts tell us to- we restrict our everyday motions and perfect that mysterious agenda we all so much wish to achieve.
the mirror.
You go to smile, but it shows your chipped tooth. You move your hand, but it shows the ugly wart. You face left, you have a pimple, you face right, it's your ugly side, you face forward.
These daily practices… it makes us almost robotic. Constantly not judging just ourselves, but others ability to utilise this 'beautiful' ability.
So then what did people in ancient times do? Did they stare into water? That is the only natural reflective item i can think of really.
Is water, the giver of life, meant to be that ironic?
We cheat life by this creation, made by the other elements in which are our enemy. We heat the earth at volcanic levels; both of which we take immense advantage of.
Fire, its capability of destruction is endless.
And Earth, its produce is limited.
EDIT: Air, which gives you life and free reign to play.
However we take an enormous advantage of these juxtapositions to create everyday luxuries.
What else stares at us when we look, and act infront of a mirror? Do they laugh? Do they degrade? Do they wish to change our actions?
Im tired…i will later access this ponder when i have revived to a better state, at this present time i think i am not able to perform my best.
Fixed it~! (─‿‿─)
Don't get me wrong, I like it and listen to it, etc. But like relative to the 60s music, it is a pile of shit.
Like I cannot see Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga becoming classics (they will and I will rage about that another time) I guess it's just the way it is, but it just seems like music now is kinda shit compared to like 1960s music.
Yeh that's it really.
EDIT: Ok, I understand where you are coming from, and of course, I have only been looking at the good music and ultimately, there is a lot of good music to come from this age.It's true that there is good music now, and I think my problem may be, more related with the genres and my mood at the moment.
I don't want to go out and make a brash statement, but at the moment I do prefer to listen to music that isn't full of electronic voices.
I guess my problem lies partly in that, I don't really like dubstep or rap a huge amount. Rap more so than dubstep, and I guess I have just been sorta overwhelmed with it. I do like Lady Gaga and Adele and all the other artists, I just prefer to listen to older songs at the moment and I should be allowed to say that.
Also that was just how it seemed to be to me, I know it's not necessarily the case, but it'd be nice if you took my opinion without calling me a hipster. There is no need to go off at me, I am just putting out my point of view. You can agree or disagree and I don't have a complete world view, calm down. This is just how I feel about music at this point in time. Next time, I won't feel as likely to share my opinions cause they are just going to get shut down.
Just something to think about.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
A game.
I somehow managed to get the happiest ending. It's a nice if unusual playthrough.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Self Esteem test.
My result was 36:
Your results indicate that you seem to have a fairly low opinion of yourself. You often put yourself down a lot, falling victim to your own self-depreciating statements. Examples would be believing that you don't deserve to be loved or respected, believing that you're not good enough for someone, and focusing only on your perceived faults rather than good qualities. While you may not necessarily feel all of these things all of the time, they are pretty ingrained in your mindset to the point that they are surely affecting your life.
so please do it and post your results ^^
oh im msgoldenweek(`・//ω//・)彡 btw
Hell I might as well make a thread
Explanation required...
- A quality of song
- A song that isn't going to removed
- A song where I don't have to worry about copyright problems.
I was going to screen cap the thing, then i got distracted ranting at blind faith.
Yeah, that's it.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
And Hui, here's the two songs I was telling you about today:
Original by Jay-Z
Cover by Asher Roth
Otaku man on Greek Idol..
you know when things make so much sense that they don't make any sense at all
fuck i think this guy is a genius (or maybe i'm just confusing confusion with cleverness)
'I'm 20 something pumping acrylic tomorrow side ways
Blazing passage with a map tattooed on the back of the classless'
Monday, August 1, 2011
Damn you Lambert
And guess what was on?
Teen Wolf.
Damn you Christian