Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So I was feeling melancholy as the title indicates.
I think the main reason for this is kinda the end of school.

Like I know the HSC end is still a few months away but the assemblies and actual sorta end of term 3.
That is in about a month and I dunno, I'm kinda happy and looking forward to the end of the HSC.
And to be honest, I am kinda looking forward to a new start and such.
Like I love you guys but sometimes the jokes get a bit endless and the payouts don't stop.
Plus sorta the stress of school never helps.
I will miss school in general though, the every day routine, the teachers, friends, protection, and to a degree uniform.
I mean I guess those are all things you get over and you find new things at university but I guess in the cliche way, it's the end of a Journey that has lasted so long and when I think about when I started school. My first memory, sitting in the primary library at St. Catherines with a girl called Alice, and we read books as we waited for orientation to start. And my mum and dad took photos and it was so long ago. And then you know when I moved to Europe, and I remember asking mum if I could start another day and everyone was so friendly. Then like when I cam to IGS and I sat in reception while everyone looked at me. And I met Georgia Gravanis, Jayden and Mr. Raniga. And then Phoebe. It just seems all like a distant memory and for all the bad times I have had in various schools, it is always just a little saxx to be leaving, for all those experiences. More than half my life and it's over so soon.

So I was kinda sad, so I do what I always do when I get sad about something, I read quotes on the subject.
And I found the one that probably made me feel better the most from a Dr. Seuss book.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the person who'll decide where to go.”

And it was that that made me smile and sorta think, you know it'll all be ok.


Cool link
Massive birds


Brian said...

I remember feeling the same way this time last year.

Uni will blow your socks off and you'll love the experiences you get. High School just does not compare.

ps. come to sydney uni.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Reading Dr.Suess legit makes everything better.(✿◠‿◠)

Lambert said...

Dr. Suess is a boss!!!

Just as a chime, I just love to rhyme, it's sublime and as such I take my time, to rhyme. And this is why I love Dr. Suess, because he's pretty fine.

Hoggle said...

ok I'm sorry but at least if you are going to rhyme, at least spell Seuss right.