Wednesday, August 31, 2011


School is coming closer to the end you guys... I just can't get my head around it. It's like...are we becoming free, or are we just preparing on a more advanced level for our working future (through uni etc etc)
Im gonna go on exchange for a year...and so are a few others. Boy oh boy, im gonna miss you guys heaps huh. I guess no matter what we do we'll all become stronger and probably learn new things that make us better people too.
But we can't separate!
I mean, its easy to become distracted and forget about our comparatively "easy-high-school-past" when we are ahead in future, and along with that comes friends too. But shit man you guys are the source of who i am really, we can't lose touch yeah?


Lambert said...

I agree, we should all try and remain friends after school and stay in contact when we're overseas/away.

Can you guys imagine yourself as a forty year old version of yourself, still blogging to your old high school friends? Seems a funny idea to me but i think we can do it, for the greater good (which in this case is our friendship)!

Lambert said...

and also, what's the name of this post mean?

Xedalenar said...

haha forty year old us blogging XD

Shōrai, it means future

AcionMan! said...

We will keep in touch as we will always be our awesome high school friends, but don't forget our lives have barely started and we have probably met only a fraction of the total awesome people we will meet. We will make new acquaintances, have new experiences with them and someday even look back fondly on those moments.

And it means that when we do contact each other as friends from the past, all of our memories will came back to us and we'll once again know the fun times we had together .