Friday, August 19, 2011

My Sister April

So I'm going to rant about my sister April because she is just ridiculous.
My sister April has this problem where she lovesss screaming, whining, yelling, stomping and slamming doors. And she doesn't like to admit it but she really loves to throw tentrums.

so like she didnt check her email for 30 days and didnt get the thing to pay her uni fees so then she ran to my father and was all like, arguing and stuff. And then my father asked her something and as usual, she went ballistic.

like she is just a crazy ass uncontrollable person. Like she will just randomly go all crazy and angry on your face for no reason and then blame it on stress. And she has always been using this stress as a reason for her random outbursts. And like, i am sooooo sick of her screaming, i mean she is like 20. She has lived 20 years of life and she still acts like the biggest brat everrr. Like if you think of Hui when shes talking about going to the movies, its like a billion times worse than that. And if i go to her room without her permission, she gets all up my grill but then when she goes to my room and USES mah nail polish, its okay.

So just then she had like a massive screaming fight, you know like those ones you see couples who are on the verge of divorce in chinese dramas, it was like that. SO much screaming and crying and like my dad was trying to say something but she was all crying and screaming so he couldnt say anything and I could just feel his frustration cause, I understand how unreasonable April can be. And then she pulls up all this nonsense about how she just wanted a calm conversation and then she says that she feels like the failure of the family.

And im just sitting here on the computer watching anime.. like... gee way to make me feel bad.


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

"Hui when shes talking about going to the movies"

do people talk about how i dont like going to movies? its my choice... i can do what i want and find alternate social activities..... is it really that bad....
do i really scream and whine when movies are brought up in conversation....?

guys why you know tell me my flaws so i can fix dem......

Brian said...

What's so bad about going to a movie?

Xedalenar said...

no no no i think that ru has just heard you say you don't like movies the most cause generally she's been around you more than anyone.

The way i see it is that you really don't like going to movies that much, cause you just aren't interested yeah?

No one talks about that, its not a big deal. I think Ru just exaggerated and was barren of examples

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

hahaha hokayy

oh and going to movies arnt bad at all, i just prefer to spend my social time differently, more interactively and cheaply i guess haha but i do super enjoy going to movies with my family