Friday, June 29, 2012


Holy shittt soccer is a completely different fucking thing here!! Fuck I stayed with the guys at the oratory to watch it and then they took me to do a giro around the town cause Italy won and shit! Everyone, I mean everyone, was in the streets and in cars waving Italian flags errywhere and driving around cheering each other! Holy shit that one player who scored both goals is good! And Italy also has a god tier goal keeper you know that? Smaz out!

Ps sorry hogg about Germany losing unless you don't follow eurosoccer... I don't except for this match and the next one cause they are kind of big things here


Hoggle said...

Man, its completely cool. The germans played badly and bertollino played fantastically, that second goal was just amazing. Although they will have a tough game against spain, in the france game the spanish play was superb

Lambert said...

More like "Lambertollino"!!!

Amiright? AM I RIGHT?

Șмž said...


that guy is pretty much you man, I'm not gonna lie when I saw him first and then when he did the flex thing I was like 'damn since when is lambert playing for italy and since when did he get so good'

Hoggle said...

what smaz said.