Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Munich and stuff

So I arrived 2 days ago now. It's Tuesday, 3pm-ish.
I forgot to say we took the A380 Airbus from Dubai to Munich and Business class is on the top floor and they have like a bar in the back of the top floor plane you can just use it for like drinks and stuff and they serve full lunches, with like an entree and I had this nice arabic lamb dish. It was tasty and the experience was classy.
Anyway, Munich is pretty chill. The temperature is like 20 - 25 degrees and the weather sorta switches between sunny and overcast.
On Friday, we are going to Switzerland for the weekend to this Hotel overlooking the lake, apparently it's really pretty and I have my wide angle lens to take photos for you guys.
Plus, I am buying you all presents, cause shit here is cool. Also we went to a beer garden the day we got here and they sell like full litre glasses of beer. It's awesome, I want to bring some of the glasses back cause they cost like 3 Euros. Also some stuff for cocktails thats like a syrup you can only get here.
Also, Anshoo (my dad's girlfriend), bought my this hand cream and I need it here cause the flights really dried out my hands but it's pineapple and passion fruit scented but smells like honey too. It's really nice.
On a side note, I am learning the Arabic alphabet, they have 28 letters and you write from right to left. They have 22 joined and 6 non-joined letters, so all the letters meld like cursive often. I have only learnt 4 so far; alif, baa', taa' and thaa', which are aa, b, t and th sounds respectively.
Anyway, hope life's good for you guys:
Here is a  photo I edited, from Switzerland in January.

And this is a Hui edit, cause I was experimenting with skin airbrushing and general lighting config.

Also, guys super exciting, I am going on a hike through a glacier today!!! I will post photos when I get back!!
Also we need a Skype chatty time, I'm feeling like that'd be good. So Monday the 2nd, 12pm (midnight) Sydney time, 11pm Japan time, 3pm Europe time and 9am Canada time.

Now, it's hard to find a time that'll suit everyone cause of the variation of the time zones but this seems the best manageable. 


Lambert said...

HA Hui needs to be airbrushed

Also, Munich sounds pretty chill and that hand cream sounds sweet. Have fun!

Hoggle said...

You were also airbrushed.

Xed said...

ahhh sounds like heaven! Have an awesome time Hogg!!!

Hoggle said...

Oh alex, I send you a letter!! It's really long, and from Germany.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

this is what the industry does to you. first the real airbrush makeup, then the computer one. this gives society a false impression of beauty. we want real! what are we teaching the children.

(i dont even know im tired obviously im makin joke. photoshop is lyf)