Saturday, June 16, 2012

yo guys

I've decided to set myself a challenge for the next week until the 23rd beccasse on that day a lot of stuff happens, important smaz stuff that's important and awesome

I'm gonna do a lot of stuff like make sure I go out every day even if it's just a 1/2 hr - 45 minute walk, meditate some, do 100+ push-ups and sit-ups every day (welp that's not healthy doing it wrong bla bla bla), fix my posture and not use the computer at all (this is only till that day btw)
so I won't like, be on the internet for a week. except to check my emails and facebook a few times cause I got like important email things happening atm about changing families so if I miss that I'm dead.

...starting tomorrow. (4 hours from now)

cool just thought I'd let you guys know. ttyl later in like a week. or on facebook or something cause I'll still be on that.
man I don't really talk to you guys that much right now what the hell. I will. I promise. starting from next week though.



AcionMan! said...

Ok, good stuff man, but make sure you actually do it. Force yourself not to relapse, and just push through it doing your stuff every day.

At the end of the week, if you do everything that you say, you will feel way better about yourself than if you just stop and come back to the internet.

Lambert said...

Good stuff man, what important stuff is it (changing families? and if so, I hope you get some heaps cool people)?!!!

And for the push ups and sit ups, make sure you are doing them right, and 100+ is a lot so if you still insist on that then you should do 10 or 15 every couple of hours.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

oh that makes sense for some reason i thought you meant changing your real family. like legal shit and coming home and being sam voile or something with a family of straight haired people who were short and didnt like sport.

smaz said...

Ok I seriously overestimated how much there is to do without the Internet in this place

So imma still check the blog and go on fb
Cause like, there is nothing else to do after I did all that...
Lambie: good point
Hui: haha nah that ones already broken
Maxim: oops I guess I lost