Thursday, September 3, 2009

Facepalm at Lamboi

Today we were on the bus together, and like it was all ackward 'cause like people who crawling over each other and it was packed and people were telling kids to get up and all that stuff, and there was a few lads.

Anyway, so like, i was trying to just keep it cool and talk quitely with lamboi, as to not embaress myself or anger someone. But then like this stupid druggie woman gets on the bus and tells all the school kids to "have some respect and let adults sit down," even though she gets a seat straight away and all of the adults refuse to go up the back. But Lamboi then decides to get up, and tells me to get up, even though theres noone there, so i have to stand up all squashed up (and now i look like lambois bitch :( ), but eventually i sat down again.

SO now we were closer to teh ladz, and i tried just to speak quietly so that the lads wouldnt do anything. He then asks me if im going to blaises, and then im like "yeah... probably, you?" and then he says like "no, i cant, I have like SCOUTS and stuff" and im like... *Facepalm*

and then, the lads get off the bus, after talking like OBVIOUS lads and being OBVIOUS lads, and then he's like.. "they were a bit laddish, don't you think?"

and im like..


well thats my little rant, lamboi if ur reading this no offence, ur still cool! just come on man, there's a time and place for things!


JD said...


Betamaxrules said...

oh lord

BMSilverFish said...

sounds like a dumby

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

bahahah what would u expect out of lamboi. scouts!

Hoggle said...

*facepalm* talk about awkward situations

Lambert said...

i was just trying to make confersation AND i had already stood up before she was on the bus.

Anonymous said...

hi lambert. talk about awkward.

Șмž said...

you were delibirately trying to confer with goatboy?

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Yarr! omg that lambert kid. always like that. i mean like i hate it when his all like- Oh hi lambert... i errr, didnt see you coming in.... soo err... hows scouts??

Lambert said...

What's so bad about scouts?!?

BMSilverFish said...

deary me