Thursday, September 3, 2009

i also also have a story

once upon a time there was a cow.
this cow had a name, that was daisy.
this cow, daisy, wore a straw hat.
the other cows were jealous of daisy's straw hat.
but daisy still had the hat.
so the other cows made their own hats out of grass.
but nobody wanted a grass hat. everybody wanted a straw hat.
then daisy pointed out that straw is a type of grass, and that everyone should be unique.
she then proceeded to hate the establishment, grew a mohawk, and picked up a guitar without any knowledge of how to play it.
thus, punk was born, and there has never been a better day for music.
except that there has, and that was the day that a certain chester bennington joined a band known as xero, bringing with it the change in name to hybrid theory, and then getting an old-school major record deal with warner brothers records.
and then, all of a sudden, it was a totally different story.
one day, there was a farm full of vegetables.
the main vegetables were the orange, the potato, the giraffe, and the carrot (ROOT).
so the vegetables were having a party in a park, and afterwards, the orange said to the giraffe something very secretive about the giraffe that the orange had deduced.
and teh giraffe, although embarrased, was forced to admit it, and pleaded to the orange never to tell anyone.
but the orange thought otherwise, and whilst the giraffe was sick, made a very big deal out of the secret.
the potato was told of this, however no-one else knew anything, much to the giraffe's relief.
when the giraffe returned, he was very angry to learn this. however, the potato was honest and didn't make a big deal out of it.
then it was the potatos turn. the orange whispered something to the potato, and the potato ashamedly agreed.
then the orange used his magic powers to help out the potato. but then proceeded to make a very big deal out of this second secret.
however, this time, he actually told many people.
and the many people were confused.
the giraffe and the potato decided to get back at the orange, but the orange was dating the supercomputer, so there was nothing they could do.
then the carrot thought it would be a good idea to enter heritself and the giraffe into a magic the gathering tournament. BUT IT WASNT.

twice as long and oddly specific, but totally bullshit. interpret any way you want.


Hoggle said...

r u mocking me?

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

stole my idea!


smaz is coming out of the closet!

Hoggle said...

heh supercomputer.

Șмž said...

hui? um. no.
besides, its all, uh, "bullshit".
not real at all.
*makes big deal out of nothing.*

Lord of the Palmtrees said...


well i rewrote my story. stuffs

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

giraffe = smaz
orange = jules
potato = tyler white (?)

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

omg smaz? what is this secret of yours that the potato and orange knows of? also, ru is a coconut

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

do i detect sarcasm? no ru its in your head....

Betamaxrules said...

hey, that magic: the gethering tournament was fun, okay?
shut up.

JD said...

Dude... oranges aren't vegetables...