Monday, August 8, 2011

Hogg's Ideas of the week

So today has been an interesting day and I think it is time for another one of my segmented rants.
  1. The 10 yr old model
    So the first topic of this rant is the ten year old model and before you read my blog post, I'd like you to read this article.
    If you don't want to read it because it is too long, the general gist is that a 10 yr old girl is now posing for a magazing, Vogue of all things. You can see the pictures there and I know I always seem like against the people that do these things, but honestly it is fucked so utterly fucked. The premise that a parent would let her child do such a thing is appalling.
    Another thing, there are picture of this girl with her top off, not in the magazine but other places. People say it is art, but you know what FUCK THEM. I'm sorry, that's like one step away from saying child porn is art. No it's not. It's disgusting.
    And Don't even tell me it is about a constrained society, no it's about letting children be children and not corrupting a 10 yr olds sexuality.
    Maybe the people supporting this, should think about the possibility of some 60 yr old pedophile masturbating to the pictures of this girl without a shirt and they might think differently.
  2. Next thing, Scientist vs. sporting hero.
    Please read the following 2 articles.

    That second video has recieved acclaim because she is apparently 'unaustralian' and you know what whoever says that, to me, you are a waste of my time.
    Yeah, it's great that Cadel Evans won the Tour de France, but guess what else happened; Police browsed the Norwegian's world that killed 76 people through his internet searches; Somalia called for NGO aid as 11 million people are in need of humanitarian aid; 100 firefighters battled a blaze for 2 hrs in Sydney's north west; Fred Niles spoke out against ethics classes as he is wanker; and of course more debate about the carbon tax (rant about that another time)
    While I don't disagree, that sports people should be honoured, maybe we should spend more time honouring the people who create the cancer cures and those who fight the fires.
    Cadel Evans to be honest, is little more than a slight rise in a so-called Australian Pride, as with every other achieving sports person, that we delude ourselves into feeling happy about because we cannot face our own stupidity in the other areas of society. Yeah, he's good, but you know what would be nice, if when Cadel Evans had a dream and saw sports people on the television, other kids had also seen the scientists like, Peter O'Dougherty and Alan Walsch. Maybe then we would be proud
    The way our society is, at the moment, all I am seeing in Australia, is a bunch of anti-climate change, anti-immigration and only pro-sporting individuals.
    I am not saying we should not congratulate him, but maybe he shouldn't be the only thing on the front page, maybe we should honour other members of our society.
    To be honest, I'd much rather be an intellectual than ride a bike. Like I know, if that's your dream follow it, just maybe, some dreams should be promoted equally. I mean as a kid, do you want to be the scientist that achieves but is only recognised by 10% of australians or do you want to be the proud Aussie cyclist on the front page for Australia, and be known by 90% of Australians?
Yeh that's it for now.
I'm off


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

The answer to all this is the 21st century state of technology, media and obsession with creating controversy.

In my view, there is always many sides, for this specific one, i will use 2 sides. The little girl model who is seen to betray the generic childhood ideal creating arguments, and then the other side that is like, look, we created controvesity thus publicity thus more money in scandals and shit.

I feel like, doing riskay stuff has alot to do with the amount of attention an issue and a branding can get, eg, vogue beaquase they get this attention thus more interest and business stuff.

and the other thing about cyclists and scientists is that popular mudia and culture makes it easier to idolize sporting figures and it isnt the fault of the public beaquase if you think about it, sport is something more relatable . But I do think that sporting stuff is silly (my opinion) and shouldnt require such a large section in the newspaper, maybe they should replace it with more comics.

yea, i could do with more comics. LIke archie or garfield or blondie. You know, the old school stuff which was actually hilarious and more subtle political nature.


I love comics.

I remembered when they would have4 huge pages of it in the seattle newspaper. I could read them for ages on end. boy were they fun.

it was like, when i came to australia, you could imagine my dismay when i found out the smh only had 4 comic strips everyday opposed to the 10 i used to read everyday.

you know, put yourself in my position, try to envision you reading the comics in yo kitchen.


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Oh I didnt actually go to this links you posted.

so maybe I might have wrote some irrelevant comments.

But I don't think so.

Then again, I can't determine what is relevant or not because things might have slight connections with each other.

Maybe everything is relevant to everything. I mean, like, if we talk about human society and culture and mass media, then everything is linked.

The invisible threads that bind us.

Because like the world is so small now. But its really nice.

I want to go to Bali.( ̄(エ) ̄)

Jonny Boyz said...

ok, so dont know were to start so im just going to.

i disagree with what you said about the Thylane Loubry Blondeau. the fact is, she is a beautiful child, and she takes beautiful photos. what she does, she does with the full knowledge and approval of her parents, and there is NOTHING in my eyes wrong with the photographs. she is replicating what she and thousands of other girls see in magazines all the time, and those photo's and magazines can be sold to little girls, because the are FASHION magazines and not porn mags. she is a model, for as long as she wants to be and for as long as her parents allow her. there is nothing overtly sexual about the photos, she's clothed, and even if she didn't have a shirt on you can see little girls with out their shirts everyday on the beach.
in addition i think it's total bullshit to say that 60 year old pedophiles are going crazy over her photo's. the photos make her look older. yes, pedophiles probably enjoy them, but they enjoy photo's of children posing in general anyway! are you going to ban child models cause your afraid of some old man masturbating in the dark? you going to stop her from being photographed just cause she's pretty?
plus, there is MUCH worse out there, readily available, shit i come across it every time im on /b/. if they can masturbate to this, the peodophiles are going to be masturbating to anything. i think that as long as she's happy, her parents are happy, and the police are happy, that she can do whatever she wants.

now the sportsman. slightly shorter response but basically what roo said. if they didn't put happy and relatable stories into the news, people would jump off of bridges alot more. the world is a depressing place, sorry to disagree with you ru, but it's really quite a sad place, but people need hopes and dreams, dreams they can envision and relate to. people need to know about whats happening in the world, and it's on the news, you and i see it. but people are drawn to happy stories, happy endings, because were programmed like that, we need it to survive. alan walsh inventing atomic absorption thingy majigi is great. and im sure he got tons of recognition when he did it 30 years ago, but its hardly news now. and it doesn't stop him being a hero, to kids today, obviously he is to you or something. you get assignments about him at school for gods sake, he's basically forced down your throat, he's not forgotten. people choose their own hero's.

anyway. that was my piece on your piece. i'll probably disagree with myself by tomorrow, but thats what im feeling right now.

and yes roo. i want to go to bali to.

Jonny Boyz said...

damm that was longer than i expected.

tl:dr i disagree with hogg.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i actually relate waaaayy more to science than sport but lol im a minority, especially in a sport orientated country like australia.

TBH i dont really care about cycling, like i think, ho damn that guys amazing woah, but in my view its soo much more pointless than finding out stuff to do with technology and medicine, stuff that i think actually progresses the world.

im sure sport has inspired some technologies but its abit silly.

anyway, summary i read more science stuff than sports in newspapers (wut, you can read??) and i generally think science is better than sport (except ice hockey, which is the best and obviously limbo)

and wooo it must be fun to be a model. we should all be models yay ya

Hoggle said...

Firstly Jon, I understand your point and fair enough, it's ok to disagree with me. My problem lies more with the fact she is 10 and you know, maybe I just sometimes look and think, 20, 30 yrs ago, teen models were a shocker, now, 10 yr olds, are a shocker. My worry is where it will stop. I guess I just have a problem also with children being treated like adults, like she's 10, maybe I'm uptight (which is probable) but you know the misty eyed stare is all good in 20 yr olds, but you know she's ten. It probably won't fuck with her life, but you know there are always going to be problems in the society, when the most important thing to a 10 yr old is being and staying beautiful. When appearance is valued higher than other qualities. I'm not saying it's everyone but there are examples in society.

And yeh sports people I guess so. I stated Alan Walsch as an example. And to be honest it is shoved down our throats in chem, not other subjects; my problem is the lack of aspiration into being a scientist. Everyone sees the people on the news, that win the massive sporting events, but what about the paramedics and the doctors and the people who run charity organisations. I know they are all granted awards and such but I can name probably 100 times the amount of sports people than the amount of others. My problem is that there needs to be put more value on those other people.
And how is a paramedic saved someone's life not aspirational??? Or a scientist helping with a massive breakthrough in cancer research not amazing??? There are so many amazing things that happen and yet I just think the sport is promoted to highly. I actually have a measurement, it is length of wikipedia articles. Most scientists, for example, the guy who did a major breakthrough in cancer in 1996; Peter O Doherty, you don't scroll. Then a guy who coached the Sydney roosters and played rugby called Brad Fittler. It's at least twice as long.
I guess it's just what people are interested in, can't really take that away from anyone.

Jonny Boyz said...

yes yes, i agree, sport is placed far to highly in comparison to other amazing breakthroughs and achievements that take place everyday.

i told you id disagree the next day