Saturday, August 6, 2011

the mirror. Its the mirror.

How could i have been so blind? So..ignorant

The thing that we stare into everyday, to approve of our own appearance…thats what degrades our society by that little bit.

We become unable to feel exactly what our hearts tell us to- we restrict our everyday motions and perfect that mysterious agenda we all so much wish to achieve.

the mirror.

You go to smile, but it shows your chipped tooth. You move your hand, but it shows the ugly wart. You face left, you have a pimple, you face right, it's your ugly side, you face forward.

These daily practices… it makes us almost robotic. Constantly not judging just ourselves, but others ability to utilise this 'beautiful' ability.

So then what did people in ancient times do? Did they stare into water? That is the only natural reflective item i can think of really.

Is water, the giver of life, meant to be that ironic?

We cheat life by this creation, made by the other elements in which are our enemy. We heat the earth at volcanic levels; both of which we take immense advantage of.

Fire, its capability of destruction is endless.

And Earth, its produce is limited.

EDIT: Air, which gives you life and free reign to play.

However we take an enormous advantage of these juxtapositions to create everyday luxuries.

What else stares at us when we look, and act infront of a mirror? Do they laugh? Do they degrade? Do they wish to change our actions?

Im tired…i will later access this ponder when i have revived to a better state, at this present time i think i am not able to perform my best.


Fixed it~! (─‿‿─)


Hoggle said...

wow.. that was really intense to read.

Anonymous said...

How could you be anything but happy with your appearance?

But I agree with the sentiment.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

You forgot Air, which gives you life and free reign to play.

Palmtree!! said...

mirrors give the illusion that my room is bigger

Xedalenar said...


Hey no no no no take it off >.<

You obviously don't get it!!! I wasn't alluding to avatar:the last airbender, when i said earth and fire i was talking about how mirror's are made- by heating sand at extremely high temperatures